
The Brew: ‘Give Me the Right Pronoun, or Give Me Death!’ – The Stream

Happy Tuesday!

It’s a hot Brew this morning. Let’s get pouring.

Virginia Lt. Governor Stands Ground, Then Apologizes, After Trans Delegate Storms Out After Being Called ‘Sir’

Trans State Senator Danica Roe stormed out of the Virginia Senate Chamber Monday after Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears called Roe “sir” during a routine exchange.

Naturally, Lt. Gov. Sears was immediate attacked, and the Democrat-controlled Senate twice adjourned, shutting down Senate business until Earle-Sears apologized.

Initially, Earle-Sears refused to be bullied, saying, “I’m not here to upset anyone. I’m here to do the job the people of VA have called me to do.” She added that though she treats everyone with respect, she is often not given the same courtesy. (She’s a Black, conservative and female … so you can guess the venom sent her way.)

However, Earle-Sears ultimately did apologize, saying, “We are all equal under the law … I apologize … and I would hope everyone would understand there’s no intent to offend.”

So what else was happening in Virginia while Democrats shut down Senate business because a trans-identifying male got called “sir”? Nothing much … just Virginia police announcing the arrest of an illegal immigrant from Venezuela for sexual assault on a minor.

Montes doesn’t need a lawyer. He just needs to use the right pronouns. Think we’re kidding? Let’s see who gets thrown more hate the next few days by liberals, the Lt. Governor or the illegal immigrant child rapist.

Which gets us to this.

What Are They Thinking?

The other day a constituent screamed at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “All you care about are illegal aliens!”

Given some of the media reaction to the savage murder of UGA student Laken Riley and the hands of a Venezuelan migrant, we can amend that to: “All you care about are homicidal illegal aliens!”

The Sherlocks over at CNN find “little evidence” to connect the murder of Riley and other crimes by illegal immigrants to the Biden policy of opening the door for illegal immigrants.

But even CNN didn’t stoop to the low of the Associated Press. Forget Riley’s murder at the hands of a man released by U.S. Border Agents, released by NYPD after being charged with child endangerment, and released by Athens police after being nabbed for shoplifting. The real lesson of Riley’s murder is how it “highlights the fears of solo female athletes.”

Biden Responds to Murder of UGA Student Laken Riley. Finally.

For Joe Biden, perhaps the shout would be “All you care about is illegal immigrants … except for politically useful American criminals!”

The White House has finally responded to Riley’s death, telling Fox News Digital:

We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Laken Hope Riley. People should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if they are found to be guilty. Given this is an active case, we would have to refer you to state law enforcement and ICE.

Even the AI program that drew that statement up fell asleep reading it. Compare that to the personal message Biden offered after George Floyd died.

Side note: Did you know Venezuela’s murder rate has dropped to a 22-year-low since our border opened?

Meanwhile, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be at the Texas border Thursday. The White House announced Biden’s plan to meet with law enforcement in Brownsville days after Trump announced plans to visit Eagle Pass. Eagle Pass was a primary entry point for illegals until Texas took matters … and razor wire … into its own hands.

Rep. Ken Buck Introduces Resolution Asking Cabinet to Consider Invoking 25th Amendment

Republican Congressman Ken Buck introduced a resolution Monday calling for Vice President Kamala Harris to convene the Cabinet and “declare what is obvious to a horrified Nation: That the President is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office.” Thus, invoking the 25th Amendment.

Ironically, Buck is one of the few House Republicans who are against the impeachment effort against Biden.

Rep. Buck lays out a series of national and international public incidents that demonstrate Biden’s deteriorating mental condition. He also cites the Hur report describing Biden’s “poor memory” as well as what Americans have seen with their own eyes.

“The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes — that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office,” Buck said in a statement to The Hill. “Numerous instances were articulated in the report, and have played out in full public view, showing President Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and lack of mental stamina.”

Biden himself was in New York last night to tape a long, live, in-depth interview with an unbiased journalist to wipe away any doubts about his mental capacity. That’s not quite true. He burned up all that fuel going to the Big Apple for an interview with NBC late night host Seth Meyers. Brilliant. Perhaps the only way Biden will look mentally fit is to sit next to the network late night comedians.

Then again …

The problem for the White House? Thanks to X more people are likely to see the devastating Italian TV spoof of Biden that went viral over the weekend than will see Seth Meyer’s gingerly Biden chat.

We aren’t going to leave you without some good news.

Fighting Back: Nassau County, NY, Bans Trans-Identifying Males From Competing in Women’s Sports

Wow. In a blue state.

Last Thursday, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman signed an executive order banning males identifying as females from competing in female competitive sports at county facilities. The ban went into immediate effect and is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

Said Blakeman:

If a league or team identifies themselves or advertises themselves to be a girls’ or women’s team, then biological males should not be competing in those leagues. They can compete, if they’d like, in an all boys or all males league or a co-ed league, so this is not precluding anybody from participating in sports.

Nassau County has voted Democratic in every presidential election since 2000, and in 2020 Biden took the county by 9 ½ points.

Along The Stream

I explore the latest effort to gaslight the public in, “Don’t Be Snookered by the Latest ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ Hoax!”

Important analysis from Stream contributor Raymond Ibrahim, “Is a New Armenian Genocide on the Horizon?”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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