
Eric Adams Faces Pressure to Amend Sanctuary City Policies Amid Migrant Crisis – American Faith

New York City (NYC) Mayor Eric Adams appeared to reconsider the migrant laws associated with the city’s sanctuary status during a town hall meeting Monday night, as shown in video footage.

A clip of the town hall meeting, shared on X (formerly known as Twitter) by independent photographer Leeroy Johnson, captured the moment when the Democratic mayor seemed to backtrack on the sanctuary city policies. In the footage, residents could be seen lining up for a Q&A session with Adams.

While the reason for Adams addressing the ongoing migrant crisis in the city is unclear, he emphasized the need to amend the sanctuary city law to permit officials to deport illegal immigrants who commit felonies or violent acts.

“I still don’t understand why the federal government [isn’t] allowing them to work. They need to have the right to work, like all of us that have come to this country have had the ability to do so. But those small numbers that have committed crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony or violent act we should be able to turn you over to ICE and have you deported,” Adams stated, prompting applause from the audience.

In another clip posted by Johnson, Adams mentioned the legal constraints he faces regarding questions about the city’s migrant crisis. He underscored that NYC has handled the issue differently from other cities and highlighted the challenges posed by federal laws governing immigration.

“I am inheriting a national crisis that I have to resolve, and we are resolving that crisis like no other city, folks. Go Google other cities. You don’t see tent cities in New York. You don’t see children and families sleeping on the street in New York. This team here has managed the crisis each time they come,” Adams explained.

NYC has grappled with numerous challenges stemming from the influx of illegal immigrants, particularly those bussed in from Texas since last year. Despite previous actions like cutting aid to migrants and imposing curfews on shelters, Adams announced a new $53 million taxpayer-funded program that will provide prepaid credit cards to illegal immigrants in the city.

The city gained media attention after two New York Police Officers were attacked by a group of illegal immigrants in Times Square in late January. While some of the migrants involved were arrested, they were subsequently released, drawing public scrutiny and highlighting the complexities of managing the migrant crisis in NYC.

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