
A Woman in the White House? The Path for Michelle Obama – Intercessors for America

As I listen to the discussions surrounding Biden’s mental competency and the use of the 25th Amendment to remove him, I can’t help but think of winning a battle while losing the war. God gives us wisdom, and that wisdom is peaceable and pure, rather than driven by selfish ambition and every evil thing. It would appear that the Republican Party and those in leadership need to be on their knees praying for such wisdom, rather than simply reacting.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.

Let me clarify. The 25th Amendment allows for a process to have a president removed and replaced by the vice president. This can be done in the case of the death or resignation of the president. But it can also be done amid assertions that the president is incapable of performing his duties. Section 4 of the 25th amendment states: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of … the principal officers of the executive departments … transmit … their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

So, what would this look like practically? It would look like a letter from Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet secretaries of the Biden administration to President Pro Tempore of the Senate Patty Murray and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, stating that Biden is unable to discharge the duties of his office because of his mental incapacity. But it’s not over there.

If President Biden sends a letter to Murray and Johnson stating he is able to discharge his duties, but Harris and her majority of cabinet secretaries continue to insist he is incapable, then the matter goes to Congress. Both houses have to vote, and a two-thirds majority is required to remove the president. If they do that, then Harris becomes president, and she then gets to nominate whomever she wants for vice president. Confirmation of her nomination requires only a majority vote of both houses in Congress. This is covered in Section 2 of the 25th Amendment.

So, after a volatile political circus, we end up with Harris as president and whomever Harris chooses as V.P. Now what? Well, that has absolutely no impact upon the presidential election taking place in November of this year. Holding the office of president or vice president does not automatically make anyone a presidential candidate. Moreover, with the Democratic primary well under way, putting their names on ballots for the Democratic nomination would be virtually impossible. There is a separate and specific process to be nominated in August at the Democratic National Convention in order to be in the general election in November.

This is where we need to be focusing our prayers and attention so as to not lose sight of the bigger picture. It is the delegates of the Democratic National Convention, of which the victor needs 1,968 of 3,933 in total on the first vote, or 2,258 of 4,672 total delegates, which includes 739 super delegates — high-ranking Democrats, such as congressmen, governors, and former presidents — on the second vote. What is also interesting is whether the initial delegates are in fact bound to cast their vote to the winner of the primary election in their respective states, as the DNC rules simply state that they are to vote their conscience in a way that reflects the sentiments of those who elected them delegates. This can create rather murky water in a climate where the mental capacity of the nominee has been called into question, even in op eds in the liberal New York Times. The super-delegates are undeniably not bound.

Now, let’s craft a really interesting plot for a political thriller. You’re controlling the Democratic Party, and the DNC’s assumed nominee has already been determined behind closed doors to NOT be the candidate intended to run for president in November. There is nobody else on the primary ballots who is a contender, so all the focus and all eyes are on the assumed candidate and his ability, or, more likely, inability. Then, without warning, at the Democratic National Convention in August, Biden voluntarily steps down due to personal reasons to spend more time with his family, thereby saving face. Now the delegates get to select whomever they want. But, the DNC has strategically held the convention in Chicago, home of former President Obama, who steps up to nominate as a Super Delegate his wife, Michelle, giving her his hearty endorsement. This endorsement comes amid thunderous applause and all the name recognition, political machinery, and money this charismatic community organizer can muster. Suddenly, in an instant, the Democratic Party has a nominee that infuses life and motivation back into the presidential race. Conversely, now President Trump has only approximately two and a half months to campaign against this new opponent.

I realize that, for many, this may seem ridiculous and unlikely. However, many times God gives insight to potential future events to prepare His people and motivate them into a posture of prayer and fasting to avoid a looming crisis. I believe that as we humble ourselves and pray, the above storybook tale will remain fictional and never come to pass. Let us not be distracted! Let’s keep seeking God and His purposes for this nation. And I’m hoping you will join me in praying that the narrative I’ve just described never becomes a reality.

IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal discussed this issue with Cynthia on last month’s episode of Constitutional Corner. You can watch this informative webcast below.

Will Biden remain in the race, or be replaced? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, an author, a constitutional scholar, a Regent University professor of government, a former law professor at Liberty University, an ordained minister through the Federation of Ministers & Churches International, and an IFA board member. She and IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal co-host Constitutional Corner. Follow Cynthia on X or Instagram; view her videos on Freedom Focus; or schedule her here to speak at your next event. Photo Credit: vargas2040 – Flickr, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

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