
Migrant Shares How-To on Seizing American Homes – American Faith

Venezuelan migrant Leonel Moreno posted a video on TikTok telling migrants how to take unoccupied homes in the United States.

“I have thought about invading a house in the United States. I found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited we can seize it,” he says in the video.

He added some of his friends have “already taken about seven houses.”

If a house is in poor condition, migrants can “repair and live in it,” Moreno explained.

The migrant appears to be drawing upon squatters’ rights, which allow unlawful property occupants to remain on the property without the owner’s permission in certain circumstances.

Some cities have called for citizens to house migrants as shelters are overcrowded.

Denver, Colorado asked its residents to house illegal immigrants amid budget cuts to the city.

Nearly 40,000 migrants are expected to be moved out of shelters.

“We put out a feeler to all the landlords we have connections with,” Jon Ewing of Denver Human Services told Fox 31. “Basically said, listen, we’re going to have some newcomers who are going to need housing.”

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