
What Does the Bible Say About How Angels Can Affect Our Everyday Life?

I have a picture of an angel hanging in my living room. A family friend gave me a picture of this stone angel when I got married, and she said it would protect our home. 

Angels dominate popular culture. Whether in movies, TV, or decorations, there are various interpretations dealing with angelic beings. Throw in the “fallen angel” narrative of Lucifer, the Devil, and we have a ready-made battle between good and evil in a fantastical realm unseen to us. The secrecy and mystery add to the appeal. 

But how much of the discussion about angels is real? How much is a myth? The Bible gives some clear ideas about angels and their roles and how they affect our everyday lives.

What Are Some of the Different Perspectives on Angels? 

The concept of angels is multifaceted, and various religious traditions, cultural beliefs, and theological perspectives contribute to a diverse understanding of these celestial beings. Here are some of the different perspectives on angels:

In Islam, angels play a significant role as divine messengers and servants of Allah. The Quran mentions various angels, including Jibreel (Gabriel), who revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Angels are seen as obedient and dutiful servants of God, carrying out specific tasks according to His command.

Judaism also acknowledges the existence of angels, often portraying them as messengers and agents of God’s divine will. In Jewish tradition, angels such as Michael and Gabriel are recognized, and they are seen as celestial beings closely connected to the divine.

In New Age and spiritual traditions, angels are often perceived as benevolent, guiding entities that provide support, protection, and assistance to individuals on their spiritual journey. Angelic communication and guidance are explored through practices like angel card readings and meditation.

Various cultures have their own folklore and mythology surrounding angelic beings. These beings may be seen as intermediaries between the divine and the earthly realm, carrying messages or guiding individuals. The characteristics and roles of these beings can vary widely across different cultural contexts.

Many people, regardless of religious affiliation, hold the belief in guardian angels. These are seen as personal angels assigned to individuals to offer protection, guidance, and support throughout their lives. The concept is prevalent in popular culture and is often associated with the idea of a personal protector.

Some theological traditions, particularly within Christianity, propose a hierarchical structure of angels. This hierarchy categorizes angels into different orders or choirs, each with specific functions and roles. Examples include Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and Archangels.

Across many perspectives, angels are often viewed as intermediaries between the divine and humanity. They serve as messengers conveying God’s will, bringing guidance and protection, and sometimes carrying out specific tasks on behalf of the divine.

While there are common themes, the specific roles, characteristics, and significance attributed to angels can vary widely across different religious and cultural contexts.

What Does the Bible Say About Who Angels Are? 

The Bible provides insights into the identity and origin of angels, offering a glimpse into the nature of these celestial beings. While not exhaustive, biblical passages shed light on the essence of angels and their divine purpose.

In the Scripture, angels are consistently portrayed as heavenly beings created by God to serve in His presence. They are described as spiritual entities that dwell in the celestial realm, distinct from human beings but with the ability to interact with the earthly realm. The Bible does not provide a detailed account of the creation of angels, but it affirms their existence as part of God’s divine order. Colossians 1:16 states that all things, including angels, were created by and for Christ, emphasizing their divine origin.

While not explicitly detailed, the Bible implies a hierarchy among angels. Michael is often referred to as an archangel and a warrior angel (Jude 1:9; Revelation 12:7), suggesting different roles and ranks among celestial beings. In some instances, the Bible mentions the “Angel of the Lord,” a manifestation believed by many scholars to represent a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. This figure plays significant roles in guiding, protecting, and communicating God’s will in various Old Testament narratives.

The Bible alludes to the fall of certain angels who rebelled against God. Revelation 12:9 speaks of the dragon, identified as Satan, and his angels being cast out of heaven. These fallen angels are often associated with demonic forces opposing God and His purposes.

While the Bible offers glimpses into the identity, it doesn’t provide exhaustive details. The focus is often on their roles as messengers, servants, and worshipers in the divine order established by God. 

What Does the Bible Say About What Angels Do? 

The Bible provides a rich portrayal of the roles and activities of angels, depicting them as divine messengers, servants of God, and participants in the cosmic order. 

Angels are frequently depicted as messengers delivering important announcements and revelations. In the Old Testament, Gabriel announces the births of John the Baptist and Jesus (Luke 1:11-38). Similarly, an angel appears to the shepherds to proclaim the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:8-14). Angels often announce significant future events. In the book of Revelation, angels play a crucial role in unveiling and proclaiming the unfolding of God’s plan for the culmination of history and the establishment of His kingdom.

Angels serve as guides and protectors for individuals. In Exodus 23:20, God promises to send an angel to guard and lead the Israelites on their journey. Psalm 91:11-12 affirms that God gives His angels charge over believers, protecting them from harm. Angels are described as ministering spirits sent to serve believers. Hebrews 1:14 emphasizes their role in assisting those who will inherit salvation. While their specific activities may vary, the overarching theme is their involvement in the well-being of God’s people.

The Bible depicts angels as actively participating in heavenly worship. Revelation 4 and 5 describe angels surrounding the throne of God, joining in adoration and praise. Their worshipful activity emphasizes their devotion to God’s glory and majesty. According to Luke 15:10, angels also rejoice over one sinner who repents. This emphasizes their awareness of human decisions and the joy they experience when individuals turn to God.

Angels are agents of God’s will, carrying out His divine purposes. In various Old Testament narratives, angels are involved in executing judgments, such as the angel of death during the Passover in Egypt (Exodus 12:23) and the destruction of the Assyrian army (2 Kings 19:35). Certain biblical passages depict angels as warriors engaged in spiritual battles. Michael described as an archangel, is identified as a warrior angel in the conflict against the dragon (Revelation 12:7).

Angels are involved in protecting and delivering individuals in times of need. Psalm 34:7 declares that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, delivering them from trouble. Acts 12 recounts an angel rescuing Peter from prison. The Bible suggests that angels may be involved in accompanying the departed to the afterlife. In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, angels carry Lazarus to Abraham’s side (Luke 16:22), illustrating their role beyond the earthly realm.

What Are Some Famous Biblical Stories About Angels? 

The Bible is replete with fascinating stories featuring angels, showcasing their diverse roles as messengers, protectors, and instruments of God’s divine will. 

One of the most iconic angelic appearances is the announcement to Mary by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel informs Mary that she will conceive the as well as Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight.

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