(LifeSiteNews) — Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute is one of the best, if not the best, expert on Chinese politics in the world. An expert in five different Chinese languages and someone who has studied in China, he is able to discuss China’s position on the world stage better than most.
Mosher joins me for this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show to discuss his new book, The Devil and Communist China: From Mao Down to Xi, part of a series that began with Paul Kengor’s The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration.
Mosher explains that he wrote the book for several reasons, stating for instance that he wants to contrast the Christian view of man and Christian civilization with the opposing view of communism. While the Christian view is motivated by love, Mosher maintains that the communist view is motivated by hatred, calling communism an “ideology based on hate.”
“It sows hatred, it feeds on hatred,” Mosher observes. “The engine of destruction that is communism requires a constant fuel of hatred. Hatred against a class, hatred against a religion, hatred against a minority, for example.”
For Mosher, the greatest “diabolical expression” of communism in the world today is not found in the former Soviet Union, but contemporary China. Mosher came to this conclusion after spending time in China. While he was taught a form of moral relativism at Stanford University, and posits that most college students leave university professing that there is neither an absolute good or evil, Mosher saw the deaths of “almost full-term healthy infants” over violations of the one-child policy.
“Absolute evil did exist in China, does exist in China, and I think we need to make that clear to the world, especially to young people,” Mosher asserts. “Communism is not just another political system. It is not just slightly to the left of socialism. It is a destructive, diabolical plan, if you will, of Satan to destroy the people and the world that God created for that people, namely human beings.”
The devil cannot create and therefore seeks to destroy, Mosher tells me. Since the devil cannot destroy the soul, he seeks to destroy the body. Communism, he posits, is the devil’s means of doing so in our time, calling it “the biggest killing machine in human history,” more than the furnaces of Moloch used by the Canaanites and Carthaginians.
Mosher discusses the history of Mao Zedong, the founder of Communist China, labeling him the “killingest” man in history. Mao, Mosher explains, is responsible for hundreds of million deaths, from his actions in the Chinese Civil War, a war he prosecuted with Soviet assistance, the purges of his regime and the Cultural Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, in which 50 million Chinese starved as a result of Mao’s policies, and his land reform policies.
Mosher also tells me that Mao, during his early years in the Communist Party, discovered that he could sow hatred in rural villages, particularly envy between those who had less and those who had more. Mosher uses the ownership of a pig as an example of this, explaining that Mao would incite envy among those who did not own a pig against a family who did, such that the envious would target the family with the pig during a “struggle session,” at times torturing and killing the family for pork.
He further holds Mao responsible for the one-child policy, explaining that despite its introduction in 1980, four years after Mao’s death, Mao said in a speech in 1958 that the state needed to control births the way it did the production of steel and bicycles, suggesting that there should be a “birth planning office,” as Mosher puts it. When he combines the deaths from Mao’s actions in life with those from the one-child policy, Mosher suggests Mao is responsible for about half a billion dead.
Turning his attention to the West, Mosher says he did not believe that a Maoist style of governance would not happen in the United States. I ask him if he sees similar mismanagement on the part of Western leaders. In Mosher’s opinion, what demarcated the United States from China was theism and the belief in rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Recalling an old axiom, Mosher says that if the United States ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.
“Many of the elites in our country have lost their moral bearings,” Mosher tells me. “They do not believe in God. They are godless and lawless, in the same way that Mao Zedong was.”
Mosher discusses Mao’s moral character, noting he rejected moral norms and as a young man saw himself as a kind of “deity,” something he sees as a natural consequence of his rejection of God. To Mosher, it appears that many American leaders have rejected God the way Mao did, and as a result have fallen prey to the same lusts for power and to be as gods. He further states that he no longer feels a “certain sense of moral superiority when viewing China from the safety of the United States.”
“I no longer feel safe here in my own country,” Mosher admits, “because my leadership is going down the same path as I saw China go down: rejecting God, becoming godless and lawless, and once you do, once you have no moral anchor, there are no limits. You will kill to stay in power. You will arrest your political opponents, you will use lawfare.”
While he is unsure if China could defeat us in open war, Mosher notes that they are certainly winning the cultural war, as some of our elites now view China as their model and admire the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) system of government.
Mosher further discusses the demonic element in Mao’s life. Relating that Mao’s mother “baptized” him in front of a stone monolith near their village that was believed to have supernatural power and gave him a name that Mao himself cherished, Mosher asserts that Mao seems to have “exemplified in his behavior … at least some unhealthy acquaintance with the demonic.” He posits as an example that if given a choice between honesty and deceit in achieving his will, Mao would always choose deceit. He also explains that Mao never forgave slights, such that he once forbade doctors to treat the cancer of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai for having slighted him four decades previously.
Toward the end of the show, Mosher explains that fighting back against the Chinese Communist onslaught will have both a natural and supernatural front. Naturally, the United States has an election in November, which he thinks could be the last chance to stop the system from being completely corrupted.
The supernatural battle, however, is “raging” and is “where our strength lies.”
“This nation must turn back to God,” he declares.
“This nation must realize that we’re [not] talking about shades of gray here. We’re not talking about moral relativism. We’re talking about a battle, probably getting close to the final battle between good and evil in the world. And the lesson we can learn from China is that when evil becomes triumphant in a country, the consequences are simply too horrible to contemplate.”
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