
SCOTUS to Consider the Abortion Pill TODAY – Intercessors for America

The abortion pill is dangerous, far more so than the mainstream media would have you believe. According to Live Action, the two-pill regimen works as follows:

The woman visits an abortion clinic or doctor’s office and ingests pills containing Mifepristone (also known as RU-486) at the clinic. This drug blocks the action of the hormone called “progesterone,” which is naturally produced by the mother’s body to enable the mother to sustain and nourish the pregnancy. When RU-486 blocks progesterone, the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby, who then dies inside the mother’s womb. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours later, the woman ingests another drug called Misoprostol (also called Cytotec), administered orally or vaginally, which causes contractions and bleeding to expel the baby from the womb.

It is this first pill, Mifepristone, that is on the chopping block before the Supreme Court today. Will the justices reverse the FDA’s changes?

From Live Action. An abortion pill lawsuit set to be heard before the United States Supreme Court on March 26, 2024, will not result in the removal of the drug from the market, as some have suggested. Here’s what you need to know …

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The case, Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) v. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), challenges the FDA’s more recent expansion of the drug mifepristone (Mifeprex). AHM Plaintiffs are represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The FDA’s more recent expansions of the drug occurred when the FDA moved away from the required in-person visits to obtain the pills (where medical professionals would likely provide more comprehensive medical assessments or examinations prior to prescribing the pills), to approving the dispensing of abortion drugs virtually, by mail, or at the pharmacy counter — where little to no time would be spent evaluating the client.

In AHM’s abortion pill lawsuit, “The Court is reviewing the FDA’s recklessness in removing nearly all its original safety standards for the use of abortion drugs to the detriment of women’s health and safety. Regardless of the outcome, abortion drugs will remain available in the United States. We are simply asking the Court to reinstate the original standards that were in effect for over 15 years,” Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Erik Baptist told Live Action News. …


AHM’s brief claimed that the “FDA’s removal of safeguards for abortion drugs was arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and otherwise unlawful.” …

According to ADF, the FDA’s 2000 approval identified as essential that:

  • Women must be seven weeks pregnant or less to take the drugs;
  • Women must have at least three in-person doctor visits to prevent severe and even life-threatening complications;
  • A doctor must prescribe the drugs; and
  • A doctor must report all complications women suffer from the drugs.

AHM’s abortion pill lawsuit is asking the Supreme Court to reinstate “essential safeguards” put in place on the abortion pill in a safety system called REMS by the FDA prior to 2016, when the FDA chose to “eliminate the requirement that prescribers report all serious adverse events,” AHM claimed in its brief. …

… The FDA’s changes, according to AHM, “increased the risk that more women taking abortion drugs will need emergency care” in three ways:

  • The FDA “increased the gestational-age limit from seven to ten weeks” where the “‘failure rate’ climbs from roughly 2 to 7 percent, as confirmed by FDA’s label.”
  • The “FDA’s removal of the Day 14 in-person follow-up visit” will “naturally result[] in more women report[ing] to the emergency room.’”
  • The FDA’s decision to end the “requirement that licensed doctors prescribe and provide ongoing care to women using abortion drug” results — as the FDA concedes — in “OB/GYNs, OB/GYN hospitalists, and emergency room doctors like Respondents ‘who must manage the aftermath.’” …


AHM has claimed in its brief that abortion pill-related emergency room visits are estimated to be in the tens of thousands, based on published percentages for ER visits on the drug’s 2023 label which state that “2.9 to 4.6 percent of women who take abortion drugs end up in the emergency room.” …

In addition, AHM claimed that the FDA’s medication guide acknowledges that as many as seven percent (7%) of women will need surgery after taking mifepristone ‘to stop bleeding’ or to complete the abortion.

“FDA’s current label for mifepristone continues to require a Black Box warning because the drug can cause ‘[s]erious and sometimes fatal infections and bleeding’… It also directs women to emergency rooms if one of many adverse complications arise,” AHM wrote in the brief. …

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(Excerpt from Live Action. Photo Credit: Brad Weaver on Unsplash)

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