
Transgenderism Is Becoming Transhumanism – Intercessors for America

We have previously covered the disturbing link between transgenderism and transhumanism. Now that link is becoming ever more apparent.

From The Daily Wire. It’s been more than two weeks since the WPATH files demonstrated very clearly that so-called “transgender medicine” is the single most unethical and barbaric practice that the medical industry has ever endorsed.

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It’s a coordinated effort to permanently destroy the bodies of thousands of young children. The doctors who are involved in this butchery understand very well that children cannot consent to permanent sterilization and amputation. They’ve said it on tape, as the WPATH files prove, and yet, despite these revelations, no major hospital has announced that they’re cutting ties with WPATH. …

Instead, as of today, hospitals like UCLA and Massachusetts General proudly declare on their websites that they carefully follow WPATH’s so-called “standards of care” as they castrate their underage patients. …

… In practical terms, for now, this means that some of the most disturbed and ideologically driven deviants on the planet — the “experts” at WPATH — will continue to write the book on so-called trans medicine. …

So it’s worth taking a closer look at who exactly these “experts” are, since no one else in the medical establishment is interested in doing so. As Genspect highlighted this week, one of these experts is a New York psychotherapist using the name “Laura Jacobs.” On his website, Jacobs proudly lists his affiliation with WPATH, including his work on formulating WPATH’s “standards of care.” …

This is a video that was found by a researcher named Jonny Bell. It’s from a TedX talk that Jacobs delivered a couple of years ago. Watch as Laura Jacobs begins by explaining his own “gender identity” (WARNING TO IFA READERS: This video is disturbing).

… Laura Jacobs doesn’t stop there. … Instead, Jacob launches into an extremely creepy transhumanist monologue. As you watch this, keep in mind, again, that this is a representative for WPATH, which every major medical organization and hospital currently pretends is a legitimate authority.

You begin to recognize that it was inevitable that we’d get to this point. Transgenderism — the belief that people can change their gender — has always had a lot in common with transhumanism, which involves the use of technology to alter the human condition. It was unavoidable that the two ideologies would converge, as they are really the same ideology — dimensions of the same basic idea. Both transgenderism and transhumanism are grounded in a rejection of both the classical and Christian traditions of human nature. They want to make human beings gods over themselves, over their own nature. …

It’s not just one WPATH quack who’s pushing this, as disturbing as that would be. The child psychologist Elliot Kaminetzky recently noted that the popular website Healthline recommends that visitors talk to a surgeon if they’re interested in splitting their penis in half, or creating other various designs out of their genitalia. There are various diagrams on Heathline’s website that are too graphic to share. This is supposedly a leading website that people turn to for medical information. Like WPATH, they’re trying to normalize genital mutilation, not in the name of transgenderism, but in the name of transhumanism. …

There was always a contradiction between transgenderism and Christianity. And now a lot of trans activists are making that contradiction explicit. … We’re entering into blasphemous, cultish territory here, and they’re basically admitting it. And again, this is a rapidly growing segment of the so-called trans community that’s talking like this. …

The upshot of all this insanity, again, is that the veneer of transgenderism as some kind of serious medical discipline is fading, and it’s fading very quickly. We’ve seen how trans activists claim to be preoccupied with “gender-affirming care” and “freedom,” but in many cases, it’s really a trojan horse for the weirdest and most unhinged excesses of transhumanism. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Emma Rahmani/baseimage via Canva Pro)

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