
Sunny Side of The Stream: Former Porn Actress Turns to Christ, Bringing Conviction and Hope to Porn Users – The Stream

Bree (who hasn’t yet revealed her full name publicly) once had an X account filled with her own pornographic videos. On Jan. 1 she announced a “life-altering conversion”: her new-found faith in Jesus. “I have decided to quit sex work. To repent of my innumerable sins. To give up my life of sin, wealth, vice, and vain self-obsession.”

Bree has since deleted all the porn on her X account but kept her handle, Mistress B, the same for a while at the instruction of her priest so that others, including porn consumers and producers, who knew her past life can see her change. Bree posted a screenshot of a former customer’s message, which she says brought her to tears.

The former customer, presumably a male, admits, “I used to be so obsessed with your clips. I would buy them every night and tweet about them.”

He wasn’t happy about Bree’s life change:

When you quit and became all about Jesus, I got so angry. I hated you. It made me feel terrible. I bought clips from others girls and attacked you on Twitter and in comments whenever anyone said anything positive about you. I don’t know why, but all of January, I was so angry and hateful.

Since converting, Bree uses her X account to share prayers and inspiration from her faith. These posts impacted her former customer:

Then I saw you praying a humility prayer one day & when I looked at the whole prayer, something inside me just changed. I couldn’t believe you, of all people, were praying those words. Then I found myself praying them also. Then I started praying all the prayers you were posting.

Bree’s prayers, transformation, and turn toward faith prompted her former customer to pray, change, and confess to a priest:

A week later, I went to see a priest and ended up doing my first confession in more than 25 years. I haven’t used porn in a month. You changed your life and somehow it changed mine. I just want to say thank you. I won’t bug you. God bless you!

Many Others

This person isn’t the first to message Bree confessing a personal struggle with porn. Another post of hers shows four screenshots with briefer messages: three asking for prayer, one saying her example “convicts me in ways I know I need, even when I don’t want to admit it.”

In another post, a man says he recognized her from her past life and admits he is struggling with porn: “You remind me that there’s always time to turn back and go on the righteous path, so thank you.”

Another message she shared says, “I’ve been struggling with porn addiction and sometimes I think I am beyond redemption, but hearing your story really inspired me.” The person urges her to “please keep being this amazing person that you are and keep spreading the gospel.”

Bree says her direct messages are “spiritual warfare”: One-third of the direct messages she gets are from men who are “desperate to turn away from their porn addictions.” Another third ridicule her, and the rest rejoice with her.

An Inspiring Change

Despite the ridicule she continues to endure, Bree says “Christian joy is real”: “I feel more joy & happiness now than I ever did while spending money, indulging my fleshly desires & partaking in vice,” she said of someone questioning Christianity.

Bree’s conversion has been good for her mental health, she says, as she used to go to therapy twice a week and have mental health meetings almost daily. Now she only goes twice a month, at the instruction of her “perplexed” therapist. “It was my therapist who told me to stop coming as often. She — rather perplexed — conceded my conversion has healed many of my wounds. Jesus is the divine physician,” she wrote.

On Feb. 27, Bree announced she had finished the task of deleting more than a decade’s worth of porn-filled tweets. “The blood of the lamb washes me clean,” she wrote.

Aliya Kuykendall is a staff writer and proofreader for The Stream. You can follow Aliya on X @AliyaKuykendall and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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