
What kind of politics does America want?

Not so long ago, our cover story on former President Donald Trump pivoted on a single question: What are we to make of his anti-democratic words and actions? This week, our March 11 cover story on President Joe Biden also pivots on a question: What kind of politics does America want?

Mr. Biden is among the last of Washington’s old-school politicians. As Linda Feldmann notes in her cover story, he came of political age in a time when legislating meant finding compromise, when partisanship was tempered by personal relationships, when civility was a common code. But let’s be honest. It was also a time of backroom deal-making, pork spending, and cigar-chomping party power brokers beholden to no one. 

American voters have made it clear that they do not want this kind of politics anymore. Mr. Biden’s political kindred spirits have all been ousted, retired, or evolved to embrace the new American politics. In this new political landscape, the voter is king. Mr. Trump is the apotheosis of this kind of politics – delivering to his constituency “big time,” as he might say. 

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