
Al’s Afternoon Tea: Archbishop Blasts Biden Trans Proclamation, Truth Blasts Narrative Over Teen’s Tragic Death – The Stream

Happy April Fool’s Day! Again.

Let’s face it. April Fool’s has been ruined. Last year’s April Fool’s stories are today’s headlines: “Biden Turns Easter Holiday into Transgender Celebration.” “Religious Themes Not Allowed on White House Easter Eggs.” “Donald Trump Sells Bible.” 

What used to be satire is now premonition.

Archbishop Vigano Shreds Biden for “Transgender Day of Visibility”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano took Joe Biden to the woodshed for issuing that proclamation celebrating “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter. (Indeed, from state governors to U.S. senators to the vice president, the entire Democratic leadership seemed to bow to the trans idol on Resurrection Sunday.)

Wrote the Archbishop:

The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness.

He positioned Biden’s proclamation as a “serious affront to God” that has “incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion.”

This is but one affront to God we are witnessing, Vigano said, before concluding:

Luciferian hatred of God and our Lord Jesus Christ can no longer be hidden or denied. This is the revelation unveiled before us, which the servants of darkness provocatively mock by celebrating perversions and vices on the very holy Day when we honor the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The White House blasted critics of the proclamation, going on as usual about “cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric.” 

We wonder if that includes Bruce “Caitlyn Jenner,” who’s gone viral with this response:

The Buried Trauma of Trans Teen Dagny “Nex” Benedict

We have heard such deceitful derision from this president before, and not too long ago. A few weeks ago, Biden blamed the death of teenager Dagny “Nex” Benedict squarely on those who are alarmed by the transgender social contagion and the trauma it is inflicting on our youth.

Benedict, who identified as “gender fluid, trans, nonbinary and two-spirited,” overdosed a day after an altercation with three other students at school. The line from the activists was that Nex had been bullied and assaulted for being trans, and this drove her to suicide. Injuries from the assault, it was suggested, contributed to her death. Biden blamed discrimination and bullying, bemoaning violence against transgender people. The Washington Post pinned part of the blame on Libs of TikTok and others fighting the current transgender madness. As with the death of George Floyd and Michael “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Brown, the original story  activists told turns out to be a lie.

According to an in-depth Red State investigation, “there is no evidence [Nex] was specifically targeted for bullying because of her identity.” Her death was directly caused by a deliberate overdose of pills.

Unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it. Nex’s full story is far more tragic. Red State and independent journalist Jeremy Lee Quinn uncovered what the Washington Post refused to tell its readers:

By age nine, Nex had been raped repeatedly for a year by her father, with molestation going back even further. Sentenced to only five years in prison in 2019, James Hughes been released early. Two weeks before Nex’s overdose, her father was arrested again for failing to register as a sex offender.

This was a severely traumatized and troubled child.

The Washington Post knew Nex’s history of sex abuse at the hands of her father, having made generic passing reference to him missing her funeral due to being “in prison for abuse.” According to the autopsy report, Nex also had long suffered from “‘bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting).” Notes found in her bedroom did not mention bullying. The police also determined her fight with three students the day before her suicide was “mutual combat.” Despite pressure from activists, no charges are being filed.

Yet WaPo and the activists still blame Libs of TikTok and bullying for Nex’s death. Why? Because blaming “transphobia” fits the narrative, while the trauma over the sexualization and abuse of minors doesn’t, and because affirming sexual confusion trumps treating underlying mental issues and injuries.

Woke agendas currently outweigh seeking the wellness of children in every way imaginable. We pray for all teens who are being misdirected, mistreated, and misled into darkness rather than being made whole. We lost Nex. Let’s not lose any more. 

A Tale of Two Services

Activists shouting “Free Palestine” disrupted Easter services at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City yesterday. The New York Post reports at least some of the protesters were part of Extinction Rebellion NYC’s Palestinian Solidarity group. Extinction Rebellion is a radical climate change group with a penchant for pulling obnoxious stunts and “die ins.”

Yeah, when we think of preserving the environment, we immediately think “Hamas.”

Also, at around 6 a.m. Easter morning, someone drove a trailer filled with Bibles to an intersection near conservative Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, and set them ablaze. “It did not, nor will it stop us,” Pastor Greg Locke told The Tennessean. “It was cleaned up in time for people to drive into the parking lot. We had a full house and a marvelous service.” 

Added Locke, “If you think Christianity is not under attack more than ever before in the United States of America you have not been paying attention.”

A brief note to the arsonist, the disrupter, the deceiver, the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy: Christ wins. And nothing you urge your people to do on the day we commemorate His victory will ever change that.

“Mayor Wants to Hold Shop Owners Accountable for Crimes Committed Near Their Businesses”

Who’s responsible for keeping our cities safe? The people who use our tax dollars to do that very thing, right?

Who is to be held accountable when violence gets out of control? The criminals and those in power who do nothing about it, right?

Well, not according to St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones. She wants to hold neither herself nor the criminals accountable for wrongs done, but the business owners in high-crime areas.

Speaking at a conference of black mayors in Tennessee, Jones noted that there’s been “a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations” lately. She went on: “So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime? Some of the things we’re already doing, we’re finding other mayors are doing as well.” 

In other words, it’s your fault, Johnny Gas Station Owner, that cars are getting hijacked, your registers are being robbed, and your stores are being looted.

Jones, as you have likely deduced, is part of the “Defund the Police” crowd, hell-bent on promoting social justice over public safety and security. The St. Louis police force now has a record number of openings on her watch. According to Fox News, there are 300 vacancies on a force budgeted to sustain 1,200 officers.  

We Can’t End on a Bum Note

Yes, today is the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Who knows? Perhaps the Easter Bunny will manhandle the president again.

When Biden says he’d get in trouble for answering questions, do you wonder if he’s thinking, “I don’t want the Easter Bunny mad at me again”? 

Wait a sec. If little kids are so good at finding Easter eggs hidden outside the White House, maybe they can find out who hid the cocaine inside the White House. They can’t do any worse than the Secret Service did. 

Finally, the geniuses at The Babylon Bee have managed to bring together the White House, Easter egg hunts, and transgender propaganda with this little chuckle.

Al Perrotta is managing editor of The Stream, coauthor with John Zmirak of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and coauthor of the counterterrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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