
Websites Are Illegally Mailing Abortion Pills – Intercessors for America

Several leftist websites are flagrantly violating the law to help women kill their unborn children. This has to stop!

From The Daily Wire. Facilitated by Left-wing activist groups, a network of websites has emerged to ship unregulated foreign abortion pills across the country with no age verification, no prescription, and no concern about state laws that may ban medication-induced abortions.

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There are dozens of sites sending out abortion drugs, many of which are not approved by the FDA. In many red states, like Tennessee and Texas, where abortion is banned, all it takes to circumvent the law is access to the internet, a willingness to make payments online, and a shipping address.

A Daily Wire investigation found that, for less than $100, anyone can order abortion drugs such as mifepristone and misoprostol online without a prescription. Age is not verified nor is a medical professional ever consulted, meaning anyone, including young girls, can easily get their hands on the pills after brief interactions on a shady website.

The websites typically direct users to use discreet payment methods to acquire foreign pills. If there are any medical complications, which are not uncommon, the websites typically say they have no liability. They also assure users that their use of the unregulated drugs won’t be detectable by doctors, and urge them not to disclose what they did. …

The pill providers have received glowing coverage in legacy media outlets and openly admit to stretching the law, none of the pill providers appear to have faced any legal challenges. While the Biden administration loosened restrictions on sending pills through the mail, the law still requires those sending out the pills to verify prescriptions and be certified.

The Daily Wire analyzed the processes of nearly a dozen websites that are sending abortion pills to women across the country. These websites appear to be paying little attention to the many guidelines, and have put in place complicated systems to circumvent any responsibility. The websites, for example, typically prefer payments in difficult-to-track cryptocurrencies.

But at the center of the operation are organizations that direct women seeking abortions to their websites, such as Plan C.

Plan C Pushes Users To Abortion Pill Providers

One of the major organizations promoting the shipping of abortion pills to red states is Plan C, which describes itself as a “public health creative campaign” composed of public health advocates, researchers, social justice activists, and digital strategists.

Run by a former Planned Parenthood official, the organization has been covered widely by the legacy media, including NPR, The New York Times, and Axios, and openly boasts about pointing women to use pills in states where abortion is banned. Its goal is to “transform” the way abortion is accessed.

“Plan C transforms access to abortion in the US by normalizing the self-directed option of abortion pills by mail,” Plan C says. “Our Vision: A near future in which the ability to end an early pregnancy is directly in the hands of anyone who seeks it.” …

The Plan C website, which has a quick escape option, has compiled a list of ways to get abortion pills for each state in the United States, including the ones where medication abortions are illegal. …

A legal section on Plan C’s website suggests that women who have medical complications from taking abortion pills should not tell doctors about their abortions if they go to the hospital.

“There is no way for a medical provider to know whether someone took abortion pills. The bleeding looks the same as a miscarriage,” Plan C says. …

A review of eleven of the websites suggested by Plan C found that they all appear to be illegally sending pills all across the country.

Your Body, Your Choice Meds (YBYC)

One pharmacy that distributes pills without age verification or prescription is Your Body, Your Choice Meds. The organization claims that its mission is to “protect the health and human rights of anyone without access to local abortion pill services.”

Pills available for purchase come in a “Combipack Kit” for $46 or a “Pregnancy Kit” for $90. The pills appear to be manufactured in India.

The YBYC website directs visitors to a Reddit page administered by a user named “luckydudette” who appears to be affiliated with the organization. The Reddit page is filled with reviews of people saying they got abortion pills through the site, including in states where abortion by pill is illegal.

Reddit banned the page after The Daily Wire reached out to inquire if the page was allowed under company policy. …

Medical Termination of the Pregnancy (MTPP)

While MTPP says that it has a prescription policy, in practice it appears to not actually require prescriptions to get abortion pills.

Purchasers of pills are required to send money to India for the purpose of “family assistance/ maintenance or friend help.” Customers are told to “not mention anything like Mtp kit or medicine name over Payment methods otherwise they will limit or suspend our accounts permanently.” …

According to reviews available on the website, MTPP will help “no matter where” a woman is located. …

Home Abortion RX

Another pill provider that reportedly will send pills to red states is Home Abortion RX. The group claims to require prescriptions, and offers a variety of different abortion pill combos including mifepristone/misoprostol, Mifeprex, Generic RU 486, and Cytolog.

A disclaimer on its website admits that they do not manufacture the pills and states that they are not liable for any “inconvenience” during the abortion. …

A review left on the website says that Home Abortion RX will send pills to conservative states. …

An Idle Timer

According to Plan C, An Idle Timer offered abortion pills to states where medication abortion is banned, including Tennessee. Their website explains that pills can be purchased privately via Bitcoin, ConaCoin, and Zelle. …

The organization doesn’t appear to require prescriptions and provides pills to people of “all ages,” according to Plan C.

The website has since expired and it has been removed from Plan C’s website though it can still be found on archive websites.


Medside24 also doesn’t appear to require prescriptions and is open to “all ages,” according to Plan C. A mifepristone kit can be purchased for just $32 via credit card, “anonymous Bitcoin,” or PayPal. Pills are promised to be delivered in “Discreet anonymous” packages without an invoice.

The website also gives instructions on “aftercare” following the abortion if needed. Several of the pill options are manufactured by the Vietnam-based pharmaceutical company Stellapharm. …

Abortion Pill Meds

Abortion Pill Meds does not appear to require prescriptions and requires customers purchasing pills to transfer money to India if paying via Remitly or The instructions mirror the payment directions from MTPP, telling customers to “not mention anything like Mtp kit or medicine name over Payment methods otherwise they will limit or suspend our accounts permanently.” …

A consumer claimed that she wouldn’t have been able to get an abortion in her state without Abortion Pill Meds. …

Secure Abortion Pills

Secure Abortion Pills, which reportedly ships pills into states like Texas and Tennessee, also offers a number of ways to anonymously purchase abortion pills including through Bitcoin and Remitly. Interestingly, Secure Abortion Pills has the same Bitcoin wallet ID as Abortion Pill Meds. …

Plan C once listed Secure Abortion Pill on its website as a resource for Tennessee and Texas, but it is no longer listed.

Las Libres

Las Libres has received a ton of attention from the legacy media and is a self-described “Mexican feminist” organization that sends abortion pills to the United States. When giving instructions on taking the abortion pills, Las Libres tells women not to tell doctors they took the pills if they need to go into the hospital. …

According to Plan C, they do not require any medical consultation or prescription. The pills are reportedly sent into states like Texas, where medication abortion is banned. Plan C says that you just have to email Las Libres and the only information you need to give them is “the first day of your last period.” …

The group’s director, Verónica Cruz Sánchez, has been celebrated by both the media and abortion giant Planned Parenthood. The headline of a feature for her in Time Magazine billed her as “the Mexican activist” who helps “Americans defy abortion bans.” …

Red State Access

While Red State Access claims that it does not “sell abortion pills,” it does appear to direct people on where to get them, including in restricted states like Tennessee and Texas. Emails to various locations are provided where users can find “free community support providers” for residents in restricted states. …

Best Abortion Pill, another website selling abortion pills lists addresses in both Georgia and Texas. …

It sells pills manufactured by the India-based Mankind Pharma company as well as Mifeprex and Pfizer brand Cytotec. It says it provides “overnight shipping” to states like Arizona and Texas. …

Aid Access

Another pill provider is Aid Access, which has no age restrictions on who it provides pills to, according to Plan C. However, the website says that the cost is $150 and that the pills are prescribed by U.S. providers.

“Aid Access will help you order abortion pills and have them delivered to your TN home in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, or anywhere else in Tennessee,” Aid Access says. …

Pills Flow Across U.S. 

Currently, the FDA allows abortion pills, namely Mifepristone, to be sent by mail per the Mifepristone REMS program, but the pills must be “dispensed by or under the supervision of a certified prescriber or by certified pharmacies for prescriptions issued by certified prescribers.”

Many of the online pill providers featured in this report appear to disregard this guideline and another warnings from the FDA about foreign-made pills, which many of the providers offer. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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