
Nebraska bishop leads annual Eucharistic procession, Stations of the Cross outside Planned Parenthood – LifeSite

LINCOLN, Nebraska (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska, led Catholics in praying the Stations of the Cross outside Planned Parenthood on Good Friday, just days after leading a Eucharistic procession around the abortion center, as is his annual tradition.

This is Bishop Conley’s sixth year leading a Eucharistic procession around a local Planned Parenthood facility, in which the bishop carries the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread, followed by lay Catholics.

Catholic Diocese of Lincoln/Facebook

It is his twelfth year leading the Stations of the Cross outside the Planned Parenthood facility on Good Friday, the day Catholics commemorate the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. The prelate explained on X that these prayers were offered for an end to abortion as well as for all complicit in the killing of innocent unborn children.

Mike Davis, the president of Lincoln Right to Life (LRTL), previously told LifeSiteNews that Bishop Conley “often prays early in the morning on Abortion Tuesdays in front of Planned Parenthood.” Abortions there are done only on Tuesdays.

“Lincoln Diocese is so fortunate to have such a pro-life Bishop,” said Davis.

Bishop Conley also performs exorcisms upon the abortion center throughout the year, in conjunction with other priests who join him outside the center.

The ardently pro-life bishop has urged Catholics to “speak the truth, in love, about abortion.”

“As uncomfortable as it might be, we are called to share our pro-life convictions with our neighbors, friends and families. We can counter the influence of relativism by speaking the truth with love—convincingly, clearly and without compromise,” wrote Bishop Conley in a diocesan newspaper over a decade ago.

“We need not be combative or polemical—but to be serious Christians, we need to be honest… Make no mistake about it. Abortion is the killing of tiny human beings in the womb.”

The horrific reality about abortion is that it not only kills unborn children, but does so brutally during each trimester of pregnancy, as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has demonstrated.

During the first three months of pregnancy, when an unborn child develops a heartbeat at about six weeks’ gestation, the abortionist typically uses a suction catheter that tears apart the baby through the force of suction, according to Dr. Levatino.

The most common form of the procedure during the second trimester – dismemberment, or D&E abortion – involves tearing apart an unborn child piece by piece, starting with the child’s arms and legs, until the abortionist crushes the head, which is the size of a “large plum” at 20 weeks, Levatino explained. 

Justice Anthony Kennedy noted in his dissent in the 2000 case Stenberg v. Carhart that “The fetus can be alive at the beginning of the dismemberment process and can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.” Moreover, it is understood that babies feel pain during this trimester, since pain receptors are linked to the brain of an unborn child by 12 to 15 weeks.

During the third trimester, the abortionist typically injects the pain-sensitive child with digoxin, causing fatal cardiac arrest. 

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