
Steele Reveals Controlled Interview Process with President Biden – American Faith

Former ESPN host Sage Steele revealed to Fox News on Wednesday that she was tightly controlled during her 2021 primetime interview with President Joe Biden, claiming that each question she asked was scripted by network executives.

“I was on script and was told not to deviate,” Steele told Fox News, elaborating that she was instructed to “say every word that we write out.”

The interview, which lasted nearly 12 minutes, took place during the early stages of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, coinciding with the return of spectators to sporting events.

Steele further disclosed that she was prohibited from asking any follow-up questions based on Biden’s responses—a directive she alleged came from ESPN’s top leadership, including its chief executive.

Last summer, ESPN, a subsidiary of Disney, clashed publicly with Steele over her criticism of vaccine mandates and former President Barack Obama’s racial identity. This conflict ultimately resulted in a lawsuit from Steele, which was settled out of court. Shortly afterward, Steele announced her departure from the network, citing a desire to exercise her “First Amendment rights more freely.”

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