Your Elders Will Fail You

Your elder is not Jesus. They may be Christ-like, but the ultimate voice a Christian should hear and follow is …

Poor Richard’s Christianity

Dawkins’ conundrum, of course, is that all the nice culturally Christian things he enjoys have been brought to him courtesy …

What Temptation Is and Is Not

Written by J. Garrett Kell | Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Understanding the nature of temptation should sober us. It reminds …

Finding Peace beyond the Illusion of Control

Everything could fall apart. The darkest things imaginable could happen, except one: that God would lose one of us who …

Everything about God Matters

Simplicity means that God’s essence is identical with His attributes. God is not some unrevealed being who possesses attributes such …

Undistracted by Moralism

Jesus exposed the Pharisees’ application of the Exodus 21:24 command, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for …

4 Relevant Lessons About Forgiveness

Recently, a lady in my church approached me and asked me what the Bible says about forgiving other people. I …