
The Devastating Trajectory of Christless Conservatism – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Throughout history, faith and political conservatism have intertwined. Ideologically, conservatism serves as a beacon of traditional values, advocating for prudence, fiscal responsibility, and the preservation of cultural heritage. Yet what we are witnessing today in the landscape of political conservatism should cause alarm for those who put their faith in Christ. We are witnessing a perilous divorce between conservatism and its spiritual moorings.

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As we contemplate this severance, it is imperative to remember the essence of genuine conservatism and reevaluate the potential consequences of forsaking its spiritual roots.

The origins of conservatism find fertile ground in the rich tapestry of religious thought. Drawing inspiration from diverse theological principles, conservatism infused its values with the essence of compassion, humility, and empathy. From Edmund Burke’s reflections on the preservation of tradition to Russell Kirk’s reverence for the “permanent things,” it is evident that faith has played an instrumental role in the development of conservative political philosophy.[1]

Today, however, the landscape of American politics and international politics alike is marked by an unsettling trend towards a Christless conservatism, where faith has been relegated to the periphery of political discourse. In this alarming shift, self-proclaimed conservatives parade their ideological banners devoid of genuine spiritual grounding, choosing to overlook the sacred teachings that once illuminated their paths. The dangers inherent in this trajectory cannot be underestimated, for to sever the ties between faith and conservatism is to lose the very essence of authenticity. Ridding conservatism of the “permanent things”—i.e., morality, liberty, family—  leaves conservatism devoid of its value. It becomes an empty shell.

Our political beliefs are not inherently right simply because they were championed by the deepest thinkers, taught by the greatest scholars, or proven by the historical results of such policy. No, our political beliefs are only correct when based on the fundamental truths which cannot be changed. Of course, these fundamental truths are those of Scripture, the very Word of God.

At its core, conservatism cherishes the sanctity of human dignity and the inherent value of every individual. It acknowledges the flawed nature of humanity and calls for restraint and temperance in governance. In neglecting these Biblical truths, Christless conservatism becomes susceptible to devolving into a mere shell, sacrificing its compassion and inclusivity on the altar of cold pragmatism.

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