
Whose betrayal? Our latest Rebuilding Trust story sparks internal debate.

An interesting thing happened as some of us at the Monitor were discussing this week’s cover story. We had an argument. Not an “I’m going to go away and write terrible things about you on social media” kind of argument. But the good kind – a sharing of perspectives.

Our cover story is about Samuel Paty, the French secondary school teacher who showed two provocative, satirical pictures of the Prophet Muhammad in his class and was later beheaded. Two students, in particular, played a role in the events – one by spreading lies about Mr. Paty’s class and the other by helping identify Mr. Paty to the man who would go on to murder him.

The story is a part of our Rebuilding Trust project. Writer Colette Davidson delves into the sense of betrayal felt by the teachers toward students at the school. They are trying to reestablish the trust so crucial not only to education but also to the broader community. But it remains a work in progress – persistent struggles amid sparks of hope.

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