
Eric Metaxas Interviews John Zmirak on His New Book, ‘No Second Amendment, No First’ – The Stream

By The Stream

Published on April 30, 2024

Stream Senior Editor John Zmirak joined his old friend Eric Metaxas in Fort Worth for Socrates in the Studio to talk about his long-awaited book, No Second Amendment, No First. Here’s an excerpt of that interview; the full-length version is available for Socrates+ subscribers.

From Eric Metaxas’s foreword to the book:

Like most of what John Zmirak says and writes, it is entertaining and brilliant, but it is also extremely important. Which means that it is also extremely important that you do your part in telling others about it. Because it is in such acts of sharing the truth — especially when it might be difficult — that we pay back those who have done so before us, which of course we can never fully pay back. Nonetheless, let us try. 

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