Looking Heavenward Transforms Our Sorrow

The Lord blesses us with particular blessings of the future heavenly life during our time on earth. We come into …

Doing More vs. Doing Better

If we are going to make the effort of organizing a day of food and games, why not be creative …

Saying It Out Loud

When it comes down to it, it’s the “absolutist” position (i.e., the truly pro-life position) that gets Maher’s “respect.” Maher …

It’s Okay to Be a Two-Talent Christian

There is no need to compare yourself unfavorably to those who have achieved more success on the basis of their …

How Plain-Spoken Courage Can Move the Overton Window

It will take great courage to break the left’s cultural taboos and take the heat for it. A society conditioned …

What is the Biblical Way to Avoid Fake Friendship?

The pain of losing a dear friend is unbearable, but after being stabbed in the back by a trusted confidant, …