
The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Migrants keep pouring across our border illegally and in record numbers, and they’re putting an enormous strain on our health care system. Your tax dollars pay for their care.

From Breitbart. Florida passed a law requiring hospitals to publicize the costs of unpaid care for migrants, and the reports thus far show that the loss to the state’s hospitals is a massive $566 million just in 2024 — and taxpayers are picking up much of that loss.

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In May 2023, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1718, requiring healthcare providers to note if patients are legal citizens. The purpose of the legislation was to ascertain just how much care for illegal aliens cost taxpayers and hospitals after the illegals were found unable to pay for their care. …

Since the bill was passed in 2023, many hospitals have begun making their reports to the state, and the amount of money they are losing to the care of illegals is staggering. …

With SB 1718 now recording the costs to the Sunshine State in real-time, it is clear that the costs of caring for indigent illegals are quickly adding up. To name just a few, according to the state’s reporting website,, Broward County has lost $43,056,022 so far in 2024 to the unpaid medical expenses for illegals. Duval has suffered a loss of $31,439, 143, Hillsborough’s loss is at $58,822,134, Orange stands at $58,328,521, and Miami-Dade has lost a whopping $231,804,144.

According to the reporting website, the estimated costs to care for illegal aliens have totaled more than $566 million to date.

Florida is hardly the only state throwing millions in state funding at health care for illegals. In March 2023, Fox News reported that between December 2021 and November 2022, Yuma Regional Medical Center in Yuma, Arizona, had spent $26 million on migrants who did not pay for the services. …

The costs continue to balloon. Early in 2023, the Federation for American Immigration Reform reported that illegal immigration was costing the nation’s hospital systems at least $23 billion annually — $8.2 billion of which is uncompensated medical care for illegal aliens.

What are you hearing from the Lord? Share your thoughts and prayers about this critical issue below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: ia huh on Unsplash)

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