America, A House Divided

The deep polarization of America is not a mere perception; it’s a stark reality. The red versus blue divide, a …

Alabama Moves Closer to Providing Summer EBT Programs

In an April 16 op-ed for Good Faith Media, Carol Gundlach, senior policy analyst at Alabama Arise, and Laura Lester, …

Service & Sacrifice: Worth the Risk? – The Stream

Middle East Is providing humanitarian relief in Gaza worth risking the safety of the U.S. military personnel tasked with building …

What Is God’s Plan for Your Life Here and Now?

Though our true hope and eternal future do not rest on temporal things, such as plans for political power or …

Failing Hurts Most When Success Defines Us

Failure is a reality of life just as success is a reality of life. Those failures don’t define us. We …

Entertainment and the Death of a Culture

 I want to present one important secular voice who speaks to these matters. I refer to Neil Postman (1931-2003) and …