WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — A LifeSiteNews reporter was shocked into calling 911 when the pro-life prisoner he was interviewing today said that she was being denied essential medication.
Louis Knuffke, a LifeSiteNews Washington D.C. correspondent, was interviewing Heather Idoni, 59, over the phone on May 13 when she disclosed that she had had 3 stents placed above her heart two weeks ago and was told to take daily doses of heart medicine. However, prison officials have not given her a single dose, she told Knuffke, and DC Jail personnel have told her that their records say she has been given them every day.
Idoni, who said she was suffering from fluttering of the heart, terminated the interview after saying she would request a trip to the hospital. Knuffke then called both Idoni’s lawyer and the emergency dispatch.
“I ended up calling 911 to get a dispatch sent to the jail to make sure they didn’t ignore her,” Knuffke told this reporter. “Her lawyer said that if the doctor declares her condition was due to negligence in medical care, the marshals at the jail would be civilly liable.”
RELATED: Jailed pro-lifer held in prolonged solitary confinement suffers stroke
Idoni told Knuffke that she was frightened that she might die, as doctors told her not to miss a dose. Idoni, who is now a prisoner at DC Jail at 1901 D Street in Washington DC, suffered a stroke two weeks ago.
The pro-life rescuer, who has diabetes, has been convicted of FACE infractions as well as “conspiracy to violate civil rights” and may be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison. Idoni has a husband and 15 children, 10 adopted from Ukraine. Her sentencing date is currently May 21.
Sentencing of the other pro-lifers who took part in a traditional rescue at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, where late-term abortions are committed, begins tomorrow, May 14.
Fr. Fidelis (Christoper) Moscinski and many of the January 6 political prisoners are also incarcerated at the DC Jail.
RELATED: Here’s when the ‘DC Nine’ jailed pro-lifers will be sentenced next week