
Where Is the Right Place to Share the Gospel?

I know that God calls me to preach (into the ministry), but am I truly preaching (ministering)? And if so, where? What am I doing with what God called me to do? Why do I ask these types of questions?

What is the purpose of my preaching, or what is the purpose of my ministry? The answer is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why am I, or why are we to share the Gospel of Christ?

We do it so that the lost souls of the world that are wandering around in the darkness of sin might be able to see the light of Christ in the saved.

Where Is My Pulpit?

Let me start with a story that might help explain my initial question. I felt the Lord calling me to preach 30 years ago. It was not until another five years or so had passed that I started to preach.

I preached whenever and wherever the opportunity presented itself, which was not often. I had taught Sunday school, led the song service, and had a radio ministry.

I was a Navy reservist at the time, and then 9/11 hit. It was not long after that I was called to active duty. For the next few years, I was stationed in North Carolina on multiple occasions.

While we were in North Carolina on the last mobilization, the church we were attending appointed me as an associate pastor then as an interim pastor. Soon after I was discharged from active duty, we ended up going back home.

One year later, I was mobilized and stationed overseas for a year. After being demobilized from active duty, it was not long until I was picked up for full time active-duty service and we moved out of state.

Regretfully, I left the ministry and service of the Lord during the last 12 years of my military service. You could say that I just ran from God. That is what you call backsliding.

When it came time for me to officially retire from the military in 2019, I began to seek the Lord once more. I jokingly prayed that if the Lord wanted me back home, I would go full-time into the ministry.

And where did we end up? Back home. We found a local church to attend, which had a pastor, so I was not needed in that aspect. With my military training and education, I tried to find work as a medical administrator, but I was unable to find employment in that field.

So, I took a part-time job at a local community college, but it did not feel right. I tried to convince myself that it would work but it did not, and so I left.

Then the COVID crisis hit. With the health pandemic in force, I wondered how I could get God’s Word out if I am not allowed to preach anywhere.

The Lord opened a door. I was reading an online Christian magazine article and felt led to inquire how the authors were able to write for them.

I have a few books of sermons from other preachers and wondered if it was possible to put my sermons into a book like those preachers have done. But the thought of the cost to publish a book on my own plagued me.

An editor from the online Christian magazine that I had written to contacted me and asked me to send in a sermon. I was instructed on the format that they required, so I sent one.

Surprisingly, I was hired. It is not enough of an income to live on, which I do not need due to my military retirement and VA benefits, but that was not the purpose. I just wanted to be able to give out what the Lord was giving to me.

As far as putting my sermons in a book were concerned, I found a self-publishing company online, and started putting my sermons into book format (e-book, paperback, hardcover).

A few have sold, but not as many as I had hoped for. The royalties from the books are small but it has been a way to get God’s Word out. I have given more books away than what has been purchased online. But again, it is not about the money.

But now let us look at our Scripture for today. Turn, if you will, in your Bibles to the book of Matthew.

1. Jesus Preaches in Galilee

Jesus was a healer, a preacher, and a teacher. The three main facets of His ministry were as follows: Jesus’ concern for comprehension can be seen in His teaching. His preaching demonstrates His concern for commitment.

And His healing shows us His concern for completeness. His healing miracles proved the veracity of His teachings and His preaching. This demonstrates that He truly was of God (Matthew 4:23).

2. The Most Important Parts of Jesus’ Ministry

The “gospel of the kingdom” was that the long-awaited and promised Savior had arrived. His acts of healing demonstrated the truth of His teaching (Matthew 9:35-38).

Jesus needs workers who are adept at resolving issues. We can provide comfort to others and demonstrate to them how God and other Christians have helped us with our concerns in how we live (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).

3. The Holy Spirit’s Guidance and Personal Preparation

Paul is telling us that he had faith in the Holy Spirit’s guidance and assistance rather than in his sharp intellect or speaking skills.

Paul did not deny the significance of preparatory study for preaching. He was well-versed in the scriptures. Preaching that is effective must combine the Holy Spirit’s work with diligent preparation.

Paul, a brilliant scholar, could have enthralled his audience with thoughtful arguments and persuasive speech. Instead, he used the Holy Spirit to direct his words and spread the straightforward message of Jesus Christ.

We should follow Paul’s lead and keep our message simple when we share the gospel with others. And through the power of the Holy Spirit, what we say can bring glory to Christ (

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