
7 Ways a Husband Can Communicate Better

7. Show Respect

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We love and respect each other in every aspect and area of life. We honor our wives’ thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. She has talents and a spiritual calling, just as we do, and hers is no less valid or needed in our lives or the community around us. Husbands should treat their wives as partners in life, not as servants.

Ephesians 5:33 instructs husbands to love their wives and wives to respect their husbands. This verse highlights the importance of mutual respect in marriage, emphasizing husbands’ and wives’ unique needs and roles. Colossians 3:19 urges husbands to love their wives and not be harsh with them. Demonstrating respect involves speaking and acting with kindness, gentleness, and consideration toward our wives, avoiding actions or words that belittle or demean her.

Proverbs 31 describes an amazing wife, and this chapter includes her talents and business acumen. She’s an intelligent and strong person, a partner, not a subordinate. We honor our wives and value their contributions, opinions, and feelings by showing respect in every area. This practice enhances communication and relational harmony within the marriage.

This approach aligns with biblical principles of love, honor, and mutual submission in marriage. It reflects God’s design for husbands and wives to treat each other with dignity, respect, and kindness in all aspects of their relationship.

God desires for his children to have healthy marriages, which will both model God’s love and bring us joy in the intimacy we long for. Knowing this and God’s love for us, we can boldly come to him to continue teaching us how to love our wives as he loves us. He generously gives wisdom when we ask.

Also, it’s wise to seek mentors, older married couples, with whom to share life and ask further questions. Others have faced the same challenges, and we should value the experience of those who’ve gone before us.


Photo Credit:©GettyImages/fizkes

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