
Democrats Oppose Resolution Condemning Violence Against Police – American Faith

Sixty-one House Democrats opposed a resolution condemning violence against law enforcement.

The resolution still passed 337 to 61, despite the opposition.

“Democrats claim they don’t want to DEFUND the police. They say to imply otherwise is a right-wing smear,” Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) wrote on X. “Well, today 61 House Democrats voted against a resolution condemning VIOLENCE against law enforcement and calls to defund the police.”

“How does that line up?”

The resolution “condemns calls to defund the police, which has increased violence towards law enforcement officers” and “recognizes that law enforcement officers must have the equipment, training, and resources necessary to protect the health and safety of the public as well as their fellow law enforcement officers on the job.”

It also “recognizes the need for better data collection on law enforcement officers who are assaulted, injured, or disabled in the line of duty” and it “acknowledges its responsibility for exemplifying a respect for the rule of law and for the law enforcement officers who protect communities across the Nation.”

Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), who led the resolution, said, “If you had asked me a few years ago if my children should become law enforcement officers, I would’ve undoubtedly said yes. But after these last few years, observing the treatment of law enforcement officers, I would have to think twice about my answer.”

He added that police officers have been “villainized by Hollywood.”

“They expect them to take the verbal assault and show up with a smile on their face ready to serve,” Stauber said, noting that “despite this treatment and abuse, they will show up.”

A majority of House Democrats also voted against a bill that would require illegal immigrants who have assaulted police officers to be detained.

The measure passed 265-148, although all the votes against the bill came from Democrats.

“They’re putting violent illegals over American police officers trying to protect our communities,” House Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said. “Outrageous.”

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