
Dave Kubal Calls IFA to Prayer and Fasting Today – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, IFA has come under spiritual attack. Not just in one avenue but in several ways over the past year, but recently it has increased. For a week now you have not received an email from IFA with news, prayer and action. Our email platform provider put our account “under review” and shut down our ability to message to you. A donor mailing was held for a month by the USPS with no movement or explanation. Some of our state leaders have received emails attempting to siphon them off for other ministries behind our back. We have also seen health crises among staff and volunteer leaders. Some of you may have experienced an increase of spiritual warfare too.  These attacks confirm to us that we are pursuing God’s purposes and the enemy is doing everything possible to stop us.

To see God’s plans and purposes for America fulfilled we need the unity of prayer and fasting in the community of IFA. We are taking on big battles together. It is time to tighten our shields, take up our armor daily and press in.  IFA is walking in a season where we have added some new pivotal messages and impactful ministry opportunities to the work of IFA. Our Gatekeepers conferences. Powerful IFA state prayer groups in every state interceding about strongholds in their state. A new daily podcast with news, prayer, and action. More intercessors are being empowered to spiritually stand in authority and contend for godliness and our government.  You are making a difference and the Enemy notices.

IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal is calling for a day of unified fasting and prayer for IFA on Friday, May 17, 2024. We pray that You will join us in praying for the protection of IFA, the 15 national staff members, 100+ volunteer state leaders, board members, content creators, and others, and for the hundreds of thousands of people who are part of the community.

The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!

Your people shall be volunteers
In the day of Your power;
In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning,
You have the dew of Your youth.
The Lord has sworn
And will not relent . . .
(Psalm 110:1-4a)

Our webcast on Thursday covered some of the battles IFA has been facing, and included a time of live prayer about it that many of you participated in. You can watch that here. 

Also, you may wish to learn more about fasting which is one of our spiritual weapons to battle warfare. Subscribe to the devotional series below to learn more.

Please use the comments section to post prayers for IFA and this community of believers.

(Photo Credit: Pedro Lima on Unsplash)

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