
Formerly starving Gazan woman gives birth to triplets after ‘miraculously’ crossing border to Egypt – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A formerly starving Gazan woman has given birth to triplets after a “miraculous” border crossing, and thanks in part to the rescue efforts of the Vulnerable People Project (VPP), founded by human rights activist and film producer Jason Jones.

Jones testifies that Samar was “literally starving” and beginning to suffer organ failure when he had first heard about her, even as she was in her seventh month of pregnancy with what were believed to be twins. 

Help evacuate suffering Christians in Gaza: LifeFunder

He explained to LifeSiteNews that as he and his group, VPP, had been working “to get food in and people out” of the war-torn region of Gaza, they heard about Samar, and added her to a queue of people who would be evacuated out of the country with the help of Hala Travel.

Remarkably, Samar was able to cross the border herself with the help of sympathetic guards, which Jones called “unprecedented” and “miraculous.”

However, afterward, she was still in need of help and was living in “horrible conditions,” so VPP funded all of her hospital care and as well as a living space “worthy of a mother” for the next six months, Jones shared.  VPP’s work in Afghanistan, where it is “the last Western aid organization still operating safe houses” and delivering food, according to Jones.

He told how his time in the military taught him to “never leave a fallen comrade behind.” However, he believes what makes VPP’s work truly unique is its moral backbone, something that he pointed out is necessary to work as a pro-life activist.

“After the military, I’ve worked in the pro-life movement, where we’ve had to work against cultural trends, we’ve had to work without popular support, we’ve hard to work with public censure, we’ve had to work and be called bad names,” Jones told LifeSiteNews, adding that donors have often advised him that VPP could be “much bigger” if he “stopped talking about abortion.

His organization’s commitment to help vulnerable people, whoever they are and wherever they are, is the foundation of their support for Christians in Gaza. Incredibly, people have advised Jones to “leave it alone,” telling him that the cause is “unpopular and confusing to people.”

“No, we don’t leave them alone. I don’t care if donors leave. I don’t care if people get mad at me because I’m standing with a vulnerable community that’s unpopular to stand with … because it’s not politically expedient.”

“I think the pro-life movement gave me that gift to understand that when you stand with truly vulnerable people, it comes with a social cost,” Jones explained. “I’m not picking a side on Abraham’s children. I’m with the vulnerable.”

He pointed out that the Christians in Gaza in particular “are St. James’ descendants and family,” and that Christian Zionists are actually “cheering on the destruction of the Apostles’ families,” adding, “It’s wild.”

Jones believes that this is a fruition of the prophecy of Jesus Christ when he said, “The hour will come that whoever kills you will think that he does a service to God. (John 16:2)

He stressed, however, that he does “not want to foment anti-Semitism or Jew hatred,” and that his organization provides armed guards and security cameras for synagogues in Africa to help protect them from extremist attacks.

“What we want to do is inspire solidarity for everyone, on both sides, who suffer … there are demagogues on both sides that for their own selfish reasons are fomenting hatred. And both sides tell me I’m on the other side, which tells me I’m right where I should be.”

Besides donating through the Lifefunder helping VPP to evacuate the vulnerable from Gaza — which Jones said has been extremely helpful in funding their efforts — those who want to help the people in the area can do so through spiritual means.

Jones shared that he has launched an initiative called “One Week in Gaza,” which calls on people to pray and fast to help bring about peace. Inspired by the message of Our Lady of Fatima, the campaign involves fasting for a week, or even just a day, for all of those suffering in Gaza and Israel on both sides of the conflict.

According to Jones, the average person in Gaza now consumes only about 245 calories a day, so in solidarity with them, he is consuming 245 calories a day or less from May 13 to May 20. While his intention is for peace in the world, Jones explained that this act of penance is for his “own personal sin.”

“We need to stop picking sides in every conflict, and we need to pray for peace,” Jones told LifeSiteNews.

Jones recently shared with LifeSiteNews that the situation in Gaza is “absolutely catastrophic,” with 80 percent of Christian homes destroyed and 4 percent of Christians killed in Gaza altogether, most while attempting to find safety in a Gazan church. He also notes that the Christian community in Gaza is among the oldest in the world, established by the apostle St. James.

Jones said that Gazan Christians are used to Evangelicals acting as though they do not exist, yet it is “sorrowful” that many Catholics seem to have forgotten they exist or are indifferent to them.

He told LifeSite that there are 800 people sheltering in place at Holy Family Catholic Church, which has been bombed and is the last parish in Gaza. He recalled how Israeli Defense Forces snipers shot two Christian women on their way into the parish and fired rockets upon a home for “unwanted, discarded, and mentally ill children” run by the Missionaries of Charity.

“It’s hell on earth,” said Jones. “Our heart breaks that our ally Israel is behaving in such a brutal way, using our taxpayer dollars and using our weapons systems to slaughter the first century Christian community … of Gaza.”

According to Jones, the “primary mission” of VPP is “to teach the truth of the human person — the incomparable dignity and beauty of the human person — and to inspire solidarity with the vulnerable.”

VPP is currently funding an effort to send Palestinian students in America to care for their wounded family members in Egypt, and to evacuate children who’ve been injured in explosions in Gaza, Jones shared with LifeSiteNews, in addition to a variety of ongoing efforts to help care for other vulnerable people around the world.

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