
Utah Mom Sues AstraZeneca Over Injuries Following COVID Vaccine Trial – American Faith

A mother in Utah says she was left with “no choice” but to sue pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca after suffering from injuries caused by a clinical trial for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Brianne Dressen reportedly enrolled in a clinical trial for AstraZeneca in November 2020, taking only one dose of the vaccine before her “life changed forever.” 

“I didn’t want to do this,” Dressen told Fox News. The mother of two said the drug company left her “no choice.”

Dressen said she has experienced “three and a half years of silence” from AstraZeneca, filing the lawsuit in hopes of bringing attention to the issue.

“We gave them ample opportunities to pitch in and to help in any way, shape or form as they agreed to in the contract. And it just hasn’t happened,” Dresson said. “So, my hands are tied. I mean, I’m not going to roll over and die because of what they did. So it’s time for them to be held accountable.”

According to the lawsuit, the drug company reportedly said she would receive medical and financial support if she was injured as a result of the vaccine.

Dressen was later diagnosed with “post-vaccine neuropathy,” and says the company offered her a settlement of around $1,200 for her lifelong injuries.

Earlier this month, AstraZeneca began its global withdrawal of their COVID-19 vaccine.

Its vaccine, called Vaxzevria, will no longer be distributed in the European Union.

The move follows AstraZeneca admitting in a court filing that the vaccine can cause “rare side effects.”

The vaccine can cause thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), according to the filing. TTS is reportedly a rare medical condition when a person suffers from blood clots together with a low platelet count.

Instead of noting that the withdrawal was due to the side effects, the company explained that newer vaccines targeting variants have led to Vaxzevria’s decreased demand.

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