Worship the Spirit

The Holy Spirit inspired the sufficient revelation concerning the elements of gathered worship, and so we should expect that he …

Introducing the Bible Answers Project

“The good news is that every day, 100,000s of online searches (Google, Bing, etc.) are conducted for search queries related …

Respond to Conflict Like Francis Schaeffer

Schaeffer says our love must be observable, something others can see. Observable love often requires saying sorry and asking for …

No, It’s Still Not Right

Written by Andrew T. Walker | Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Same-sex marriage has also fueled the redefinition and imagination around …

The Big Impact of Little Faith

Tiny, mustard-seed-size faith can move mountains. Here is Jesus’ vivid word picture, proverbial for overcoming great challenges. Jesus did not …

Is it Possible to Know What the Will of God Is?

People will struggle to know the will of God at some point in their lives. They wonder about the Lord’s …

Reply All: June 2024

To send letters to the editor, please see our guidelines at thebanner.org/letters. Conservative Compassion Like Monte and Tammie, we have …

Reimagining Church: Being Patient

When we get impatient, we try to control change and force change. The result is the church sinking to another …