
Telling the Stories of Islamism’s Victims Is Spiritual Warfare – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“How are we being antisemitic?”

That was the sarcastic retort of a Georgia high school student recently, when a teacher noted parental complaints of antisemitism in the school district.

Have you taken your place on the wall?

In view of the “pro-Palestine” protests engulfing university campuses across the country, it is important to recognize the real-world consequences of supporting Islamism-based hatred and wickedness. Enemies of truth are using pathos rooted in lies to brainwash millions. How much more powerfully might a pathos rooted in truth burn in the hearts of hearers?

Like that high school student, most young people do not recognize the connection between their pro-Palestine/Hamas activism and Jewish hatred. Nor do they recognize the connection between their Jewish hatred and the anti-Christ agenda. Nor do they recognize how the progression of all of these things connects with their personal faith, future safety, and eternity. And like that student, many others in the West (especially my Gen Z peers who are being used as a cover for the on-campus presence of paid professional agitators) refuse to acknowledge the core flaws within Islamic society, or the horrors that befall those minority populations the Islamic state considers enemies.

Meanwhile, leftist teachers and professors are only too willing to provoke and then even feed off their students’ ignorance, so that only the false narratives prevail. After decades of bad teaching, at least two generations are now infected with corrupted morals.

A Faithwire article reports on the plight of one a Roman Catholic family in Pakistan. According to the account: “Police officers in Pakistan are reportedly refusing to help a Catholic family who fell victim to an attack by armed Muslims.” Shahnaz Yousaf and members of her family were out harvesting wheat when a large group of Muslims toting guns and other weapons attacked and began beating them. The attackers returned later to steal the harvested food while the victims were away seeking medical treatment: ” ‘When we reached the police station and told them what had happened in our absence, the officer on duty refused to register our complaint and said that our plight will end only when we surrender to the demand of the Muslim landowners,’ [Shahnaz’s brother] Ashraf Yousaf told Christian Daily International–Morningstar News.”

This attack is just one more incident that follows years of harassment the Yousaf family has suffered at the hands of their landlords, not to mention the constant dismissals of law enforcement officers. Such conditions are commonplace in Pakistan and other Muslim-majority nations.

According to an Open Doors report: “Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws are often used to target minority groups, but Christians are disproportionately affected. Indeed, roughly a quarter of all blasphemy accusations target Christians, who only make up 1.8% of the population.”

Experiences like those of the Yousaf family make clear that Islamism is the spirit behind the October 7 massacres in Israel. Such stories should be recounted worldwide, even as prayer for families like the Yousafs must continue.

Are there any young people in your sphere of influence with whom you could share accounts of Islamism’s harmful effects? Will you commit to doing so daily, as a counter to Satan’s false narratives?

Pray against the violent presence of Islamism in our world, and ask the Lord to bring gospel light.

(Photo Credit: Dying Regime from Maldives – Protest calling for Sharia in Maldives, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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