
4 Things Temptation Is and 4 Things Temptation Is Not

When we’re tempted, the Devil tells us the following lie: No one is tempted like this. You alone deal with it. 

First, this lie also tempts our pride. Even if the statement leads us to think we’re more sinful than anyone else, or weaker, or something negative, that’s another form of pride. None of us are that special. 

Second, the Devil loves to isolate us, both from God and one another. When a hunter attacks, he goes after the straggler or attempts to isolate one from the rest. I Peter 5:8 warns us of this: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” A devouring lion doesn’t attack the strength of the herd. Those numbers overwhelm even a strong lion. 

As part of his strategy, the Devil attempts to get us alone, apart from God and others. Getting us to feel special, unique, and too sinful for redemption, he isolates us. Then he can better deceive us and draw us into sin and death. 

The solution, therefore, must address these issues. We need to choose humility instead of pride. God gives strength to the humble, but he resists the proud (1 Peter 5:5). Next, in humility, we submit ourselves to God, acknowledging his Lordship over us. When we do, we have God’s strength to resist the Devil, and the enemy flees (James 4:7). 

Finally, we become vulnerable with brothers and sisters. James 5:16 tells us to confess our sins to others, and we will be healed. Our healing and strength come from connection instead of isolation. 

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/metamorworks

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