
Scottish Green Party expels 13 members for stating that ‘sex is a biological reality’ – LifeSite

EDINBURGH, Scotland (LifeSiteNews) — The left-wing, pro-LGBT Scottish Green Party has expelled 13 of its members for stating that “sex is a biological reality.”

According to The Scotsman, the expelled former members were accused of violating the Green Party’s code of conduct for signing a declaration that stated “sex is a biological reality.”

“Sex should not be confused with gender,” the declaration reads. “Sex is a biological reality and is both the site of and the excuse for women’s oppression.”

It furthermore states that women have the right to “female-only spaces such as changing rooms, hospital wards, sanitary and sleeping accommodation, refuges, hostels and prisons.”

READ: Scotland moves convicted transgender sex criminals into women’s prisons

“Women have the right to refuse consent to males being in these female-only spaces or males delivering intimate services to females such as washing, dressing or counselling,” the document adds.

The signatories lamented a “chilling atmosphere of censure and fear within the party, which affects not only free speech but also free thought.”

“Women’s rights, based on the reality of biological sex, have been eroded within the [Scottish Green Party], as elsewhere in society,” the signatories said. “We believe the consequences of this are extremely damaging for women and girls,” particularly mothers and disabled women, as well as “lesbians,” they added.

According to the Telegraph, the Green Party said that the members who acknowledge the biological reality of sex pose a risk to the “safety of all trans and non-binary [sic] members.” The Scottish Greens’ 2018 policy states that “trans-exclusionary individuals of any kind are not welcome as members.”

Former party co-leader Robin Harper called the decision to expel the 13 members “utterly laughable” and called for a vote of no confidence for the current party leadership.

One of the expelled members, 72-year-old David Jardine, denied claims of the statement being “transphobic,” stating, “All that it did was assert the right of women to advocate for a series of eight beliefs that they had. It wasn’t a demand that the party overturn policy, merely that people be allowed to speak without being harassed and pressurized.”

A spokesperson for the Scottish Greens confirmed the reports, adding that “[t]he welfare of all our members is our primary concern. The [Conduct and Complaints Committee] process found that the members were in breach of our code of conduct.”

“Next month is Pride month and we hope this decisive action will send a clear message that we stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community [sic] now and forever,” the spokesperson added.

The Scottish Green Party’s insistence on gender ideology comes amid the growing pushback to the transgender agenda in the U.K., as the “Cass Report,” authored by consultant pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, raised awareness about the damage done by surgical and chemical transgender interventions.

The Cass Report found that so-called “gender medicine” is “built on shaky foundations” and that “[w]hile a considerable amount of research has been published in this field, systematic evidence reviews demonstrated the poor quality of the published studies, meaning there is not a reliable evidence base upon which to make clinical decisions, or for children and their families to make informed choices.”

The findings led the British NHS (National Health Service) to stop prescribing puberty blockers to children with gender confusion earlier this year.

READ: The transgender movement is collapsing in England after the Cass Review

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