
The Prosperity Gospel Has Been Exposed – Charisma News

Is prosperity biblical?

In an interview with Stephen Strang on the Strang Report podcast, Dr. Mark Rutland tackled this topic and how Christians can see prosperity in light of the gospel.

“God is a God of blessing,” Rutland says. “The error comes where people say, ‘if you’re not blessed, you’re doing something wrong. If you’re not blessed, you’re not a Christian.’”

“The result of prosperity, the outcome of it should not be to accrue but to give,” Rutland says.

Rutland points out that in the same way ministries can abuse prosperity for their own sake, those who are donating can also misuse the principle of giving as well.

“The problem is not just on those who exploit others from prosperity. It’s donors who exploit ministries for prosperity. They turn ministries into the kind of biblical slot machine…so sometimes they spread their giving out over ministries to see which one will give them the return. That’s also greed. So, it can be greed from the ministries, [or] it can be greed from the givers,” Rutland says.

Rutland says one of the ways we can fall trap to prosperity gospel schemes and thinking because of a warped view of God as our heavenly Father.

“I think we take some of our most unworthy attributes and impose those on God, that God says, ‘okay, [give] $100 or withhold the blessing.’ That’s not God and it’s not characteristic of God.”

Just as God looks at our hearts and sees what’s truly there, a distorted view of God’s attributes is what leads many to become involved in a movement focused entirely on prospering.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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