
Why Did the ICC Charge Netanyahu With ‘War Crimes’? – Intercessors for America

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The International Criminal Court is the latest group to turn on Israel, and some of our elected officials have even come out in support of its ruling. Is there any merit to the court’s ruling, or is this yet another baseless attack on God’s people?

From The Federalist. The same day the Biden administration and European Union offered their condolences over the death of Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi, the “Butcher of Tehran,” the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, sought the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli war council members over imaginary war crimes. …

Have you taken your place on the wall?

It’s not worth taking a deep dive into the intricacies of law and war, because Hamas does not recognize any moral or legal restrictions on warfare and the International Criminal Court has no real jurisdiction over anyone, anyway. … Americans do not recognize any international government, so there can’t be “international law.” …

None of that is to mention that the ICC is an enemy of the Jewish State masquerading as a court. Just read the indictment. …

… Netanyahu is charged with “extermination,” “starvation of civilians,” and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population,” among other imaginary crimes. The ICC presumably relies on the wholly conjured fatality statistics provided by Hamas and spread by the media and the left. The IDF estimates it has killed around 15,000 terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, or half of fatalities — which is a better civilian-to-combatant ratio in an urban warfare setting than perhaps any in history.

Notice as well that indictments only charge members of right-center Likud who are in the war cabinet. … the war cabinet, overseeing the decisions that brought on the ICC indictments, features Netanyahu’s biggest political rival Benny Gantz, as well. Yet he is not charged. …

… Using Netanyahu as a strawman is a politically expedient way to attack Israel’s democracy. The entire point of the ICC indictments is to further isolate Israel and reward Hamas. …

In this regard, the real tell is that the alleged crimes cover actions in both the “territory of Israel” and the “State of Palestine.”

The ICC creates a fictitious “state” and downgrades an existing one to a “territory” — even though it is recognized by most United Nations member states.

There is no Palestine. An independent Arab Palestine has never existed. …

What do you think of the ICC’s ruling? Share your continued prayers for Israel below!

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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