
Kathryn Krick Reveals Stunning Testimony of Ministry Explosion – Charisma News

Taking this prophecy and the belief that “revival is now,” Kathryn eventually embarked on starting Five-Fold Church. However, instead of the church rapidly growing, things started going backwards. On New Year’s Eve of 2020, Krick put together a compilation video of God moving through her tiny church and posted it on TikTok. The response led to an explosion of miracles and healings.

“The video went viral and it hit 1 million views. But the real miracle is that there were thousands of comments of people testifying of miracles they received while watching,” Krick says. “People saying ‘my pain left, my sickness left when I watched this.’”

“I started praying for her just like I would pray for people the past four years, every Sunday,” Krick says. “But this time, something different took place. As I began to pray over her, to declare over her, she fell back with the power of God. And then her body started convulsing. And I knew immediately these are demons manifesting.”

“If you’re going to be used powerfully by God, if you have this big calling on your life, that means it’s the bigger fire, the bigger the testing, the harder the things you’re going to have to go through because the Bible says it’s the fire that purifies us,” Krick says.

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Look for Kathryn Krick’s new book, Deliverance Decoded, releasing early next year.

Abby Trivett is a content development editor for Charisma Media.

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