
Lara Trump on Lawfare: ‘In God We Trust’ – American Faith

Lara Trump appeared at the American Faith Gala to share her thoughts on faith, family, and traditional American values.

Discussing the lawfare campaign against her father-in-law, Donald Trump, she shared she looked above Judge Juan Merchan and read the words, “In God We Trust.”

“We have to remember that,” Lara Trump said.

“We right now in this moment in our country have to remember that there is a bigger power at play. It is not just a fight over politics. It’s a spiritual war that we are in right now,” she explained.

She added that reaching out to younger audiences is “vital.”

Trump stated that the lies being spread to younger generations “remove any commonalities that we might share.”

Younger Americans are being taught that “this country was founded on bad principles and should hate America instead of loving America,” she said. “You know what happens when you do that? They won’t fight for a country that they are told they should hate.”

“We have to change the narrative and it starts with the next generations of Americans,” Trump declared.

She emphasized that ongoing lawfare and schemes against U.S. elections are part of a “battle that is bigger than all of us.”

“We do have the one on our side that we need,” she asserted. “But it will take everyone out here who loves this country to spread the word.”

“Prayer works,” she added. “We feel them. We have felt them since 2015. Please, continue praying for this country, continue to pray for my father-in-law. I don’t think there’s ever been a scarier time in the history of America where you see the communist tactics being employed against one man.”

“And if they are successful, make no mistake, we will not have the same country on the other side.”

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