God Sets the Terms and Conditions

By giving us these means, God shows that we really do have the privilege of relating to him, but he …

Working Hard For and in the Lord

The real reason why men need to be in church is the same reason why all of us do. Our …

An Attractive Pen Portrait of David Livingstone

Stanley summarized his high estimation of the Doctor by stating in his book How I Found Livingstone: “My friendly reader, …

How God Uses Routine to Shape Us

The beauty of every Sunday stems from two thousand years of church history. It is a testimony to the faithfulness …


Satan, the accuser, may prosecute our sin before the judgment seat of God, and we may cower because we know …

God Designed You for Peace

As you consider the ways you search for peace in your life, remember that true peace is greater, deeper, and …

Wellbeing in the Wilderness (Numbers 6:22-27)

Can God change your circumstances? Sure. But you can experience the blessing of Numbers 6 even in the wilderness. You can …

7 Ways to Honor the Fallen on Memorial Day

Find resources that teach the truth about history to our kids. Without knowledge of why our military needs to encounter …