
3 Incredible Truths to Remember and 3 Powerful Prayers to Pray in Honor of Memorial Day

“Don’t make rash promises, and don’t be hasty in bringing matters before God. After all, God is in heaven, and you are here on earth. So let your words be few.” – Ecc 5:2

It’s easy to allow our words to spill into a puddle. Memorial Day can feel unfair to those who feel they sacrificed someone they loved for the sake of their country. What does the Bible say about having faith when life feels unfair? When we aren’t even sure we can get behind the beliefs of the country our loved ones died for? ESV Bible explains of Ephesians 2:8-10, “Faith is confident trust and reliance upon Christ Jesus.”

This Memorial Day, as we remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom, let’s choose to embrace God’s truth. As Christians, we know this life is full of unfairness, sickness, war, pain, and injustice. Still, though we know these things with our minds, it’s difficult to align our hearts when emotions start to bubble to the surface. 

The verse above cautions us not to be rash, hasty, or let our words spill out unchecked. Every life is important to God. He has a hand in each and every human life, knowing the number of hairs on each head at any given time. Whether we love Him back or not, His love is unmatched and unmoved by the circumstances of this world. As we honor those who have died while serving their country, we rely on God to right the countenance of our hearts and help us to see people the way He does. 

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