
Senator Reveals Biden EPA Gave $50 Million to Pro-Hamas ‘Climate Justice’ Group – American Faith

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) revealed that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted $50 million to the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA).

She shared images from CJA’s website. One was of a “bulldozer that went through the fence when Hamas attacked Israel on October the 7th,” Capito said.

Capito noted the group wants to defund the police and military.

“So you can ask yourself, ‘Is this group really going to be funding cleaning up the water, cleaning up the soil, and cleaning up the air?’ Or are they going to be funding things like the protests,” she said.

According to CJA’s website, climate justice and the “liberation of Palestine” are “connected.”

“Ecological warfare is a tool of colonialism,” a video from CJA states. “In every colonized place, there are ecological, political, and human crises compounded by the climate crisis.”

So-called climate change began with “settler colonialism,” the video adds.

“The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine because both issues reflect the root causes of the crises we are all in. We must begin with healing our land and restoring indigenous sovereignty,” CJA continues in the video. “Let’s learn from Palestinian resilience.”

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