
Australian LGBT activist seems to promote bestiality to high schoolers. Will Canada follow? – LifeSite

(Campaign Life Coalition) — I have deeply disturbing news to share with you about an LGBT sex-ed lesson that was given at the end of March to grade 9 students in Australia.

Why is this relevant to Canadian parents and grandparents?

It’s because Canada’s education system, just like Australia’s, has also been taken over by LGBT ideologues.

We also have similar societies that have been tracking western societal trends almost identically.

What happens in one country in terms of moral and social development, tends to happen very soon in the other.

Therefore, it’s legitimate and necessary to worry that what I’m about to tell you just took place in the land down under could someday rear its head in Canadian classrooms under the auspices of LGBTQ+ education.

I’ll tell you the details, but I must warn you, they’re sickening….

Outraged parents went to the media and pulled their children out of Renmark High School in South Australia after an LGBTQIA+ sex educator came in on March 22 and taught the female Grade 9 students about bestiality, in an approving manner, implying that sex with animals was an acceptable practice within the LGBT community!

ABC News in Australia reported that the presenter was from a group called Headspace, a government-funded, “mental health” organization geared towards young people.

This individual was slated to give a lesson to Grade 9 students about “respectful relationships.” Letters were sent home to inform parents about the upcoming presentation, but no alarm bells were triggered because of the innocuous-sounding theme of “respectful relationships” that was mentioned in the letters.

But you see …

That’s where the bait-and-switch comes in.

This was a case of false advertising, where you end up with a gay activist getting her foot in the door to talk to kids as young as 13 about LGBT sexual activities.

Students and parents who agreed to speak with ABC News, stated that the external guest speaker was quite graphic about her own sexual preferences, using explicit terms and making the students feel incredibly uncomfortable.

During the presentation, the students were reportedly given an explanation about what each of the letters in the LGBTQIA+ acronym means.

When the sex educator got around to explaining what the “plus” means, the word “bestiality,”  amongst others, was displayed on the board.

Fourteen-year-old student Emelia Wundenberg recounted to ABC:

There was a slide for what the ‘plus’ means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality.

Here’s another excerpt from the ABC report:

The students said bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practised by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.

How does that make you feel about the gay “Pride” flag that’ll soon be hanging over your child or grandchild’s school throughout the month of June?

It was clear the students couldn’t stomach a lesson about humans having sex with animals, and, according to the report, multiple students left the classroom with the excuse they had to “go to the bathroom.”

I can’t imagine what it would be like for any mother or father to come home from work and hear about their child being exposed to this kind of filth and perversion in the classroom, or what it’d be like for those poor young girls who could be haunted forever by this disgusting presentation.

Some Canadian liberals will be quick to dismiss the Australian classroom incident as some kind of freak accident that could never happen in Canada. However, would you be surprised to learn that the Supreme Court of Canada quietly legalized most forms of bestiality in 2016?

Is it really beyond the pale to imagine a Canadian LGBT activist, someday soon, explaining to students that the “plus” in LGBTQ+ includes bestiality or other sexual aberrations, and all these expressions are covered by the “Pride” flag?

This is one more reason why you should participate in Campaign Life Coalition’s National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day. It’s a day of protest against LGBT indoctrination by which we can send a strong message.

We’re asking that all parents and grandparents pull their kids and grandkids out of school from May 31, which is this Friday, through June 4, which is next Tuesday, or on whichever day your school board plans to raise the flag. Download a promotional poster here.

May 31 to June 4 are the days when it’s most likely that school boards across Canada will be raising the LGBT “pride” flag and making students bend the knee to this anti-family, anti-Christian symbol.

For more info about the 2nd annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, please read the main article about the event here. To let us know that you’ll be participating, fill out this form here.

For those of you who happen to be Catholic, another way you can combat the harms of transgender and homosexual “Pride Month” is by joining Campaign Life Coalition for a few “pray-ins” we’ve planned on Monday, June 3 at Catholic school board and diocesan offices. See the list of locations below.


Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
90 Mulberry St
Hamilton, ON
L8R 2C8

Diocese of Hamilton
700 King St. W.
Hamilton, ON
L8P 1C7
– Meet at bridge by Breadalbrane and Hunt Sts. intersection


Toronto Catholic District School Board
Catholic Education Centre
80 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, ON
M2N 6E8

Archdiocese of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M4T 1W2


Ottawa Catholic School Board
570 West Hunt Club Road
Nepean, ON
K2G 3R4


Halton Catholic District School Board
802 Drury Lane
Burlington, ON
L7R 2Y2


Yonge St south of McDonald’s
Elmvale, ON
L0L 1P0

Niagara Catholic District School Board
427 Rice Rd
Welland, ON
L3C 7C1

(Please note that this particular pray-in is NOT on Monday, June 3. It is not directly organized by Campaign Life Coalition.)

Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition

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