
Haley to European Nations Recognizing Palestinian State: ‘You Just Gave Credit to Hamas’

JERUSALEM, Israel – Spain and Norway plan to recognize a Palestinian state Tuesday with East Jerusalem as its capital.

It comes as the United Nations Security Council convenes about an incident in Rafah.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel after the Rafah incident.

“In Rafah, we have already evacuated about a million non-involved residents and despite our best efforts not to harm the non-involved, unfortunately, a technical failure happened last night. We are investigating the case, we will present the conclusions, because this is our policy.”

The Israel Defense Forces investigation is still ongoing but the IDF released a graphic showing the strike took place outside the humanitarian zone set up to take Gazans out of harm’s way. They took several steps to reduce the risk to uninvolved civilians and used precision munitions.

A video online purports to show that a Hamas jeep loaded with ammunition and weapons contributed to the destruction with secondary explosions.

The strike targeted two senior Hamas terrorists who directed terror attacks in Judea and Samaria.

Israeli Government Spokesman Avi Hyman stated, “According to initial reports, a fire broke out after the attack. These terrorists were hiding underground, and it would appear that there were civilian casualties. We’re looking into this. I will say, that it was definitely grave. Any loss of life, civilian life is grave and is awful. We seek to go after Hamas and limit civilian casualties, and, we will investigate if an investigation is needed. This is an unfolding story.”

Former U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley toured the sites of the October 7th massacre, including the Nova Music Festival.

Haley told reporters Israel is fighting the same enemies as America and blasted Ireland, Norway, and Spain for recognizing a Palestinian state. 

She admonished, “For all those countries who decided to recognize a Palestinian state, do you know what that felt like here in Israel? You just gave credit to Hamas and all that they did. For all those looking at the ICC and ICJ, right before we landed, there were strikes in Tel Aviv. Why? Because the (International Criminal Court) and (International Court of Justice) just emboldened Hamas.” 

The recent protests on college campuses also encouraged Hamas. The terror group’s leader, Khaled Mashal said their work will help defeat the Jewish state.

“We thank the great student Flood, which emerged from the American, European, and Western universities, and has reached all the countries of our nation,” Mashal declared. “We are grateful for the spirit that we have witnessed in our nation and in humanity as a whole. We have the opportunity to defeat Israel, Allah willing. We have an opportunity to dismantle the Zionist enterprise.”

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reports the Biden administration is pressing European allies to stop its plans to rebuke Iran for advancing its nuclear program.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is growing dramatically.

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