
Libertarian Party’s homosexual presidential candidate supports COVID jab mandates, open borders – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The Libertarian Party has chosen a homosexual who describes himself as “armed and gay” as its 2024 presidential candidate.

Chase Oliver, a 38-year-old failed 2022 Georgia Senate candidate, was selected at the party’s convention in Washington, D.C. after the gathering of about 900 voting delegates roundly rejected Republican Donald J. Trump and Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who both made cases for the party’s support at the convention.

While “Become Ungovernable” was the major theme of the party’s convention, it is apparent that the Libertarians have chosen to be anything but, instead displaying a willing full compliance with the worst anti-child, anti-marriage, anti-American, anti-human, and ultimately anti-God ideologies and practices of our current Democrat-led government.

On critical issues, Oliver’s views and those most near and dear to the Democrat Party and those of globalist elites are virtually indistinguishable.

Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s 2024 presidential candidate poses with a drag queen.

One of Oliver’s competitors for the nomination, fellow Libertarian Michael Rectenwald, told CNN that Oliver’s win would signify an embrace of “wokeness,” which Rectenwald called an “authoritarian, totalitarian ideology.”

“It kind of turns (the party) into a referendum, sort of, for a particular kind of status ideology, one that is interested in protecting special identity category… people,” Rectenwald told CNN. “That is, effectively woke. Woke ideology.”

Oliver is pro-abortion rights and is on the record as wanting states to decriminalize abortion. He has protested alongside Black Lives Matters (BLM) and Antifa members and claimed that their 2020 anti-police protests were peaceful. He has stated that he is fine with employer COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates and sees nothing wrong with Drag Queen Story Hours for kids and males competing in girls and women’s sports competitions.

He has also pushed back against efforts to control unfettered immigration into the United States by tightening the U.S.-Mexico border.

While mainstream news outlets gleefully chose to highlight the fact that former President Donald Trump was booed during his presentation at the convention, Oliver’s nomination caused an immediate uproar from conservatives on social media because of his “woke” if not Marxist-leaning views.

“This is the Libertarian pick for President,” Libs of TikTok announced. “He’s pro vax and mask mandates, pro d*ag for kids, sees nothing wrong with men in women’s sports, and advocated for open borders.”

“Libertarian Presidential nominee Chase Oliver … talks about marching in the George Floyd 2020 protests, and calls them ‘peaceful,” X user Western Lensman wrote.

“They nominated a radical leftist,” he added.

“The LP just nominated a pro vaccine mandate candidate,” conservative podcaster Tim Pool said on X.

Another X user responded to an earlier pro-COVID-19 employer vaccine mandate tweet from Oliver, saying:

You’re for liberty except when a company gets to force people to take medicine they don’t want or they get fired?

Sounds kind of like an authoritarian nightmare you are advocating for.

“There’s a big difference between requiring your employee to show up on time vs requiring them to inject an experimental gene therapy into themselves,” another pointed out.

In response to the Oliver nomination, Jim Pfaff, president of The Conservative Caucus, explained how the Libertarian Party is devoid of core beliefs, and as such is not actually concerned about “liberty.”

“I’ve said for years that in practice the motto of the Libertarian Party is ‘If drugs and prostitution were made legal we’d all be free,” noted Pfaff. “They proved that once again.”

“It’s not a party of ideas and hopes,” Pfaff said. “It’s a party which actually corrupts the ideas of liberty that make countries free and prosperous.”

Perhaps End Wokeness with its massive presence on X summed up the Libertarian Party and its presidential nominee best with the juxtaposing of two pictures displaying the incongruity between the way Libertarians view themselves versus how they appear to the outside world:

In years past, Libertarian candidates often served as spoilers for Republican candidates because of their fiscally conservative views that include dismantling the regulatory state, ending the Federal Reserve, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and more recently, the FBI.

However, it is far more likely that Oliver, along with Independent RFK Jr., will steal votes away from President Joe Biden or whomever this year’s Democrat Party’s candidate turns out to be.

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