
Understanding Israel and Palestine: British Israelism and the Roots of Christian Zionism

Some of the starkest images from the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021, were of evangelical Christians and racist skinheads working side-by-side to topple American democracy.

The cross and the Confederate flag are two symbols that should never occupy the same place. Their juxtaposition on January 6 revealed that the political agendas of the Aryan Nations and Ku Klux Klan align enough with the goals of a hyper-politicized white evangelicalism for skinheads and Christian nationalists to cooperate.

This would lead spectators to wonder whether there is much of a difference between the Identity theology of many white supremacists and the fundamentalism and Christian nationalism that have come to dominate white evangelicalism.

While politicized versions of white evangelicalism look like softer versions of white supremacism, the Identity theology of groups like the Klan is incompatible with evangelical theologies.

Perhaps the most significant difference between the Identity theology of the Racist Right and the Protestant fundamentalism of the Religious Right is antisemitism versus Christian Zionism.

Whether or not Christian Zionists are truly

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