
Latest Update on the World Health Assembly – Intercessors for America

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The WHO is currently meeting! Officials have been working for years to draft and pass a “pandemic treaty,” stripping nations around the world of their sovereignty. For as long as this meeting continues, IFA writer and researcher Angela Rodriguez will be bringing you daily updates to guide your prayers for America!

May 31, 2024

Intercessors, the World Health Assembly meetings in Geneva are coming to a close. While so far it seems that a final version of the Pandemic Treaty will not be viable, and the IHR amendments being negotiated will be “more modest,” Liberty Counsel explains, “The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a press release stating it is pushing ahead to pass amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) at the World Health Assembly (WHA)…the press release states the ‘Member States agreed to continue to work’ during the WHA to ‘finalize the package of amendments to the IHR (2005)’ and ‘agree the timing, format and process to conclude the pandemic agreement.’”

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The Working Group of the WHO is hoping to chisel out an agreement and present it on June 1. While many believe this version of the package, if passed, will be less oppressive and daunting, Liberty Counsel cautions that we should not let our guard down. “We do not know what will come out of the meeting in Geneva because the final language of the proposed amendments has not been released– which expressly violates the WHO’s constitution.”

In light of this information, we must remain vigilant and watchful for any new twists in the plot for global health control. Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense reminds everyone that while we may have won the battle, we haven’t yet won the war. Just last week, the former UK chief scientific advisor said another pandemic is “absolutely inevitable,” while referring to the WHO’s pandemic accord.

Liberty Counsel emphasizes that regardless of what happens at the WHO meetings, it is critical that our government exits the WHO by supporting HR 79. Additionally, we should continue urging Congress to act now by requiring that any WHO agreement be subject to a 2/3 vote of the U.S. Senate (HR 1425, S 444).

On June 1, there will many freedom fighters in Geneva voicing opposition to the WHO’s plans. Pray that they will be successful in their mission. Also pray that any last-minute plans by the WHO will be thwarted.

May 30, 2024

Negotiations at the World Health Assembly have failed to produce a viable Pandemic Treaty.

Additionally, instead of considering a full set of proposals from both the treaty and the International Health Regulations, a more modest “consensus package of IHR amendments” are being presented and discussed. The proposed text of the Working Group on Amendments to the IHR states:

“The text does not represent a fully agreed package of amendments and is intended to provide an overview of the current status and progress of the WGIHR’s work…The mandate of the WGIHR Co-Chairs and Bureau has now ended but we stand ready to support the next steps agreed by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, including facilitating any further discussions if so decided.”

Mary Holland, CEO of Children’s Health Defense states, “While delegates to the World Health Assembly are still engaged in last minute negotiations, outside of approved procedures they do not have a consensus to move forward with legal infrastructure to conduct Covid operations.”

In response to the WHO’s power grab, Donald Trump declared, “I am hereby demanding that Joe Biden submit these monstrosities to the Senate as treaties…If he does not, I will rip them up and throw them out on day one of the Trump administration.”

While the above information is great news, we must continue praying about both the treaty and the IHR amendments. It is likely that the WHO will continue in its quest to come to an agreement at some time in the future. They have spent a lot of time, effort and money to get to this point so they won’t give up easily. As the WHO and its working group continue pushing forward, so must our legislators and citizens. We must continue to pray and resist. The most effective thing the United States can do is exit the WHO altogether.

May 29, 2024

The World Health Assembly continues to meet this week in Geneva, where “frustrated” officials and negotiators are working against the clock to reach a consensus for the Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments. So far, they have not been successful in getting the finer details and technicalities of both of these documents agreed upon. The co-chair of the treaty talks, Roland Driece, from the Netherlands, told Reuters that it was “unlikely” that a full agreement would be reached at the WHA meeting which is held May 27–June 1, 2024.

Resistance from U.S. Senators, attorneys general and governors, as well as freedom campaigns led by the Sovereignty Coalition and The Geneva Project have become a thorn in the side of the WHO, which claims that “right wing” coalitions threaten their plans to save the planet from future pandemics.

While it is not likely that the Pandemic Treaty will be finalized, bioweapons treaty expert and health freedom advocate Meryl Nass says, “I anticipate some amendments will be passed, one way or another, this week, but on the whole, they will be inconsequential and will not advance the One World Government plan.” Nass cautions, however, that one strong area of agreement seems to be the surveillance of citizens, censorship, and combating misinformation/disinformation.

Several days are left of negotiations so continue praying that the plans of the WHO will be thwarted and there will be no 11th hour surprises. Pray for national sovereignty to remain intact.

How to Pray about This Issue

  1. Pray that the loud voices of resistance will be heard and heeded.
  2. Pray for protection over legislators, freedom fighters and citizens who are leading this opposition against global authorities.
  3. Pray that the plans of the WHO would be stopped in their tracks and that national sovereignty would be preserved.
  4. Pray that the Lord Jesus would provide direction as to the path forward so that health freedom and constitutional rights would be preserved.

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Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was just released in September 2023. Photo Credit: United States Mission Geneva – Flickr: Logo of the World Health Organization, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons.

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