
Canadian MP goes viral with wild rant claiming ‘climate emergencies’ are not ‘gender neutral’ – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – A leftist pro-abortion MP’s “climate change” rant during a recent environment committee meeting where she said “climate emergencies” are not “gender-neutral” as they “disproportionately” hurt women has gone viral with hundreds of thousands of views.

The viral rant was made by New Democratic Party MP Laurel Collins of Victoria, British Columbia, during a May 23 Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development meeting in Ottawa after she was triggered by a comment about “climate hysteria” by one of the meetings witnesses.

One video posting on X from Wide Awake Media of Collins’ rant had 300,000 views in a matter of hours.

In the meeting, Collins started by saying, (16:16 min mark), “I guess I want to start off by addressing one of the comments that was made by the witnesses around climate hysterics … Hysteria, it refers to something that is wildly emotional. It comes from the Greek word, womb of the womb. It is used in ancient Greek to refer to things associated with women.”

“And I think I hope you’ll forgive me if I get emotional. Climate emergencies are not gender neutral. The degradation of ecosystems disproportionately impacts women and girls …This is the existential crisis of our time.”

Not done yet, Collins then said that “climate change” is the “existential crisis of our time,” saying “we’re asking for high ambition is climate hysteria that makes me wildly emotional, absolutely.”

“When I think about my womb, you know the two children that I bore from that womb and what future we are leaving them, I am wildly emotional,” she said.

Collins, who just noted that she bore two children, then said, “it’s not surprising to hear this from someone who has written articles that are pro-life.”

She said that Canadians need to “think about the intersection of gender and the climate crisis,” adding that the “people around this table and the people listening will refrain from using language like climate hysteria.”

Reaction to Collins’ outburst came swiftly on social media, with some pointing out that her comments didn’t make any sense at all.

Well-known Canadian anti-woke psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson took a shot at Collins’ rant.

“A hysteric complains hysterically about an imaginary complication of an imaginary problem: Canadians: this is the @liberal_partyunder @JustinTrudeau,” Peterson wrote on X today.

Others pointed out that gender has nothing to do with the weather.

“Man, last time I checked a tornado ain’t checking a gender before wiping it out,” commented X user Julio Murillo in reply to a video clip of Collins’ rant.

X user RightBlend said about Collins’s comments, “This is a word salad that applies 0 logic but appeals to emotional triggers.”

Another X user, Based and Biased, said about Collins’s rant, “Maybe we should ban climate emergencies.”

When it comes to so-called man caused “climate change,” which leftists have been preaching about for years, the reality is the other side of the debate has a lot of evidence to counter the left’s narrative that man alone is allegedly causing a shift in Earth’s weather patterns.

A June 2017 peer-reviewed study by two scientists and a veteran statistician confirmed that most of the recent global warming data have been “fabricated by climate scientists to make it look more frightening.”

As noted by LifeSiteNews, pro-life and family advocates have been continually warning about the climate activism movement’s alignment with pro-abortion and population control advocates and lobby groups.

The federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with the full support of the NDP, has gone all in on radical transgender ideology, including the so-called “transitioning” of minors, while at the same time introducing laws that on the surface appear to be about helping children.

Under Trudeau, the federal government has given millions of taxpayer money to fund LGBT groups of various kinds and aggressively pushes a pro-LGBT agenda.

Since taking office in 2015, the Trudeau government has continued to push a radical environmental agenda like the agendas being pushed the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals.”

The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum, an organization in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved.

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