
Conservative MP calls out Trudeau’s disdain for farming after gov’t cuts funding for 4-H program – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Talk to anyone who has any semblance of sanity and logic, and chances are they would agree with you that farmers are the lifeblood who not only keep people alive because of the food they produce but also, I would argue, who allow us to enjoy our lives so that we can raise our families with solid Chrisitan morals in peace and prosperity.

I personally know many farmers who work hard to raise families — and sacrifice everything — only to have the small returns they were able to make taken away by the government through one tax or another. It’s a vicious cycle that begs the question: Is there anyone willing to help? Does anyone care about farmers? Well, I can personally confirm that, yes, there are some MPs in the federal government who do care about farmers immensely.

One such person is Conservative MP John Barlow from Alberta Foothills. In the past, I worked directly with him when he was not in politics but when he was the editor of a small-town newspaper. I can say that he cared about farmers back then, and when he became an MP, his advocacy for them did not stop.

Barlow recently had some choice words for the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his gang. He directly accused the Trudeau government’s recent cuts to 4-H as proof positive he does not care about farmers and their contributions to Canada. He accused them of actively trying to destroy their way of life and the hopes for future farmers.

For those not familiar with 4-H, it is a long-serving, agriculturally focused organization that helps youths in communities “with opportunities to succeed through skills development and leadership experiences while being mentored by caring adults.”

Many kids who grew up in small towns or on farms are very familiar with the work 4-H does day to day. In essence, it is a community-focused group with a grassroots structure directly tied to agriculture.

So, it makes perfect sense Barlow was rather ticked off when it comes to recent federal funding cuts to 4-H. In what is 4-H Canada’s 111th year in operation to help educate Canadians on where their food comes from, the Trudeau feds cut funding to the program.

“After nine years of Trudeau, it is clear that he and his Liberal Government don’t care about our farmers and producers. From their punishing carbon tax to their draconian fertilizer ban and regulatory changes, and now a slap in the face to our youth in agriculture, Trudeau is continuing his nine-year-long attack on our farmers and producers,” Barlow said in a statement he posted May 23 on social media.

“The 4-H program is an incredible pillar within our incredible agriculture and agri-food industries promoting the strength and sustainability of modern Canadian food production and has a legacy for developing future leaders not just in agriculture but in business and community,” he said.

Barlow noted how 4-H plays a “significant role in the lives of 17,000 youth and nearly 7,000 volunteer leaders, providing positive youth development and developing important life skills like public speaking, leadership, responsibility, and hard work.”

He claimed Trudeau does not care about the hard work 4-H does and said the “activist Liberal government,” by cutting funding to the group, shows it does not care about supporting Canada’s next generation of farmers, the vast majority of whom are opposed to his repressive carbon tax.

“Our farmers produce the highest quality food to the highest standard of sustainability and stewardship,” said Barlow, adding that a Conservative government will “ax Trudeau’s carbon tax, reverse Liberal cuts to 4-H Canada, and end his attacks on our farmers who proudly feed us and the world.”

The funding cuts to 4-H, which is an independent non-profit, were made by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and ultimately came from Trudeau’s agriculture minister earlier in the year. As a result, 4-H has had to cut seven of its staff members in a move that will negatively affect its programs says interim CEO Hugh Maynard.

“The reduced AAFC funding, combined with other factors, has meant that 4-H Canada has had to initiate an organizational reset to ensure capacity to continue to offer the world-class youth leadership programming for which we are known,” Maynard said.

Trudeau and the globalists’ war on farmers

It seems not a week goes by that some high and mighty Toronto elitist Liberal MP or some other woke celebrity or media figure, whom I’ll bet has never even stepped foot on a farm, makes some rash comment about how farmers have been polluting the land.

Barlow is not the only one calling out the Trudeau feds. Some industry groups are doing so as well.

I recently wrote about how the Grain Farmers of Ontario said Trudeau is directly going after farmers via a “vilification strategy” under the guise of “climate change” and that a recent Auditor General report proves this to be true.

Grain Farmers of Ontario chairman Jeff Harrison recently said that the Trudeau government’s request to farmers to reduce emissions is not realistic and that it only creates more issues for Canadian farmers.

“Painting this climate picture as the fault of agriculture, it vilifies farmers,” said Harrison, noting it’s a “vilification strategy” to pin the blame on farmers.

When it comes to Canada’s farmers, they have already been under pressure with increased costs of fuel, not to mention all basic goods and items needed to run a farm, thanks to high inflation due in part to federal overspending.

More concerningly, increased pressures on farmers to curtail fertilizer use, and thus be faced with lower yields, come while recent studies show suicidal thoughts among farmers at extremely elevated levels.

The 2022 study from Ontario’s University of Guelph found nearly one-third of farmers have “had thoughts of suicide in the last 12 months.” The numbers are more than two times above the general population of Canada.

The United Nations has declared a war on nitrogen, claiming its use must be slowed as it is “one of the most important pollution issues facing humans.”

However, nitrogen, which is found in fertilizers, makes up about 70 percent of Earth’s air and is essential for plants.

The attack on farmers makes sense when you realize the Trudeau government’s current environmental goals are in lockstep with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which include phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades.

The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has been pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved.

Adding to their stress, on April 1, Canada’s carbon tax, which was introduced by the Trudeau government in 2019, increased from $65 to $85 per tonne despite seven of 10 provincial premiers objecting to the increase, and 70 percent of Canadians saying they are against it.

Trudeau has remained adamant that he will not pause the hikes.

He has pitched his carbon tax as the best way to reduce so-called carbon emissions. However, the tax has added extra financial burdens on households despite hundreds of dollars of rebates per family.

To reach Trudeau’s goal of net zero by 2050, the carbon tax would have to balloon to $350 per tonne.

So, what is the end game? Why is Trudeau going after farmers? I think I will leave you with words from Dr. Joseph Mercola.

As he recently observed, farmers worldwide are facing increased pressure from governments and special interest groups linked to globalist organizations such as the World Economic Forum to reduce fertilizer use. He said the global push to get rid of farmers “from their land is being driven by NGOs, which are primarily funded by the government, making them government extensions.”

“The real agenda, however, may be traced back to the Club of Rome, a think tank that aligned with neo-Malthusianism – the idea that an overly large population would decimate resources – and was intending to implement a global depopulation agenda,” Mercola wrote.

“Once the farmers are pushed out, globalists suggest eating bugs will protect the planet by eliminating the need for livestock, cutting down on agricultural land use, and protecting the environment. The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization also encourages the consumption of insects and insect-based foods, and the momentum to get farmers off their land is continuing to gain steam.”

Barlow is aware, maybe not directly but intuitively, that Trudeau’s end game when it comes to farmers more or less mirrors what Mercola observed. I’m glad at least there are some sane minds in Ottawa, and in the 2025 elections, here’s hoping Barlow can be a part of a government that will help restore funding to 4-H.

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