
Pro-Hamas Groups Call for Global Uprising in Major Cities – American Faith

Pro-Hamas groups across the United States are now openly calling for an “intifada” in “every capital and city” worldwide.

“Intifada” means “uprising” or “rebellion” in Arabic.

A group known as the Gaza Group released a statement urging: “Escalate protests to an open intifada in every capital and city to awaken the world from its heavy slumber, which comes at the expense of the bodies and remains of those who survive; disrupt all facets of daily life until our people can breathe freely without the taint of the Israeli, American, and European war machine.”

This call to action was reportedly disseminated by organizations including the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee, Princeton’s Students for Justice in Palestine, Penn Students Against the Occupation, and Writers Against the War on Gaza.

The Gaza Group also advocated for escalation across “historic Palestine, from every checkpoint and street corner to the face of every settler and soldier.”

“Raise the ceiling of the global solidarity movement and immediately escalate all protest and pressure against Israel’s accomplices in the genocide, whether those who offer it political and diplomatic cover for the occupation, those who supply it with military and financial support, or those engaging in maneuvers that prolong the suffering of our people in Gaza,” the statement continued.

Several other groups joined the call for protest, with National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) promising “a fire of revolution.”

“We will not allow for the slaughter of our people to continue without erupting a fire of revolution,” the activist group wrote on social media.

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