
A container ship that runs on batteries, and crime fighting for trees

Dominica’s High Court decriminalized same-sex relations

An openly gay, anonymous claimant argued that a Dominican law, though rarely enforced, prevented him “from living and expressing himself freely and in dignity.”

The court cited similar jurisprudence from around the world in its decision, writing that the policy violated principles of personal privacy and freedom of expression enshrined in Dominica’s Constitution.

Why We Wrote This

In our progress roundup, new technology is simultaneously fighting crime and climate change. Chemical markers in trees can help pinpoint where they were grown, and in China, the world’s largest electric ship is sailing a regular route.

The decision negates a relic of British colonial rule. Sections 14 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act made consensual homosexual relations punishable by up to 10 years of imprisonment and admission to a psychiatric hospital.

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