
Biden’s ceasefire deal would amount to nothing if Israel continues the war in Gaza – LifeSite

Help Christians who escaped Gaza: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — A ceasefire deal proposed by President Joe Biden to pause the assault in Gaza for six weeks now relies only on Israeli approval.

The deal, which would see the return of hostages held by Hamas, was welcomed as “positive” by Hamas as it was announced on Friday, May 31.

“Israel has offered a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire,” said Biden, in direct contradiction to the public statements of the leader and leading members of the Israeli government.

“We’re waiting for an official response from Hamas,” said U.S. White House spokesman John Kirby on Sunday, seemingly unaware that Hamas also accepted a similar deal a month ago.

U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron – a self confessed Zionist – echoed the line on Friday that “Hamas must accept this deal so we can see a stop in the fighting, the hostages released and returned to their families and a flood of humanitarian aid into Gaza.”

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The latest initiative has also been accepted by Hamas, as Haaretz reported Monday.

“We are now waiting for Israel,” said the Egyptian foreign minister on the progress of the ceasefire deal.

It may be a very long wait.

Israel says its own deal is a ‘non-starter’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is opposed to a ceasefire, which his government said on May 29 will not come, even if all the hostages are released immediately – remarks which were certainly known to both Biden and Cameron before they made their statements.

What is more, influential Zionist extremists Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have threatened to collapse Netanyahu’s coalition by withdrawing from it, should any ceasefire be agreed upon.

Netanyahu faces criminal charges in Israel for corruption on leaving office, as well as those for war crimes pressed by the International Criminal Court. The case against Netanyahu is ongoing, amidst reports of witness intimidation, media manipulation, and the “reshaping” of the judicial system to protect Netanyahu.

A deal to ‘bypass’ Netanyahu?

The Biden administration has been reported as attempting to “bypass” the Netanyahu government, speaking directly to “the Israeli people.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken also spoke to Israeli army chief Yoav Gallant and former opposition leader Benny Gantz – who leads Netanyahu in the polls. Blinken reportedly told Israeli ministers that “the onus is on Hamas to accept the deal.”

Yet this May 31 statement from Israeli journalist Yossi Melman says Biden knows Netanyahu has no plan to end the war, and that Biden’s speech was “aimed” at the Israeli public directly.

Biden in the… speech actually accuses Netanyahu of wanting to continue the war without any plan to end it.

Speaking of the timing and means of delivery, Melman said “it is no coincidence that [Biden’s] speech was aimed at the prime time of the Israeli channels,” explaining that “his speech is actually an address to the people of Israel above the heads of the coalition in the hope that the war will stop immediately.”

Melman concludes: “Biden calls for the managers of the negotiations to have powers, which [Netanyahu] is actually preventing.”

Yet if the head of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was the target, it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

READ: How Israel’s doctrine of ‘preemption’ is fueling endless conflict in the Middle East

IDF head says no

Israeli army chief Gallant, whose discussions with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken went on into the small hours of Monday, June 3, responded with this:

Israel will not halt the fighting in Gaza until all hostages are returned to Israel and Hamas’ rule in Gaza is over.

Yet the Israeli press is reporting that Israel is “losing control” of the Gaza assault and cannot hope to satisfy these objectives. Gallant himself said last month that “Netanyahu was leading Israel astray.” A year ago, Gallant also warned that Netanyahu was undermining the rule of law in Israel.

Netanyahu has tried to fire him, but backed down after public outrage.

Netanyahu: Deal is a ‘non-starter’

Yet Netanyahu has said the ceasefire deal is a “non-starter,” repeating his administration’s media strategy echoed today by IDF head Yoav Gallant. The June 1 statement from the Prime Minister’s Office of Israel reads:

Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.

It confirmed Netanyahu’s opposition to a ceasefire, intentionally citing conditions which have long been described as unrealistic in the Israeli press.

Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.

No deal even if all hostages returned

In fact, Netanyahu’s regime has told the families of the hostages that they would not stop the “war” even if a deal were agreed with Hamas which released them all.

The Times of Israel reported this on May 29:

Israel’s National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi today told relatives of several hostages held in Gaza that the current government will not agree to end the war in exchange for Hamas releasing all the hostages it has been holding since October 7.

Yet the mainstream media continues to repeat the Israeli government’s line that it is Hamas that is preventing the ceasefire.

Hamas accepted deal a month ago

Hamas accepted a ceasefire deal a month ago, offering to return all the hostages. Israel replied by dismissing the deal, saying its “requirements” had not been met, and by initiating its massacre of civilians in Rafah. Zionist “far-right ministers” in his government again “urged Netanyahu not to accept” any deal according to reports on May 2nd.

CNN’s report of May 6th notes that at the time, the Hostages Families Forum said:

“Now is the time for all that are involved, to fulfil their commitment and turn this opportunity into a deal for the return of all the hostages.”

READ: Israel’s Netanyahu government linked to religious group pushing extreme racial doctrine

Israeli government ‘sacrificing hostages’

Now the families of the hostages have claimed the Israeli government is “sacrificing the hostages” and that its behavior is driven by “polling.”

Following the May 29 meeting with Hanegbi, Times of Israel reported Gil Dickmann, cousin of hostage Carmel Gat, quoting the Israeli national security adviser on this charge:

… Hanegbi had also told the families that the only way the government would agree to a deal that would bring the hostages back would be ‘if polls told the government that it would be worthwhile for it politically.’

Two days after their meeting with Hanegbi, the Hostage Families Forum said on May 31:

The captives, and the entire State of Israel, have been taken hostage by those who choose political interests over their national duties.

These “political interests” of “a government that is dictated by polls” may well be a driving force behind the Biden administration’s efforts toward a ceasefire. Biden’s support, especially among young voters, has plummeted alongside his sustained backing of Israel’s genocide.

Protests were also seen in Israel in April, following the Netanyahu regime’s rejection of the hostage deal.

No chance for peace from Zionists

Whilst the U.S. “has every expectation” that Israel will accept the ceasefire deal, Israeli government sources do not support this view.

On Saturday, Zionist extremist and Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir restated his threat to dissolve the government if it seeks peace.

“The deal, as its details were published [by Biden] today, means the end of the war and the surrender to Hamas,” Ben-Gvir said on June 2.

“If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to lead this deal, we will dissolve the government,” he threatened.

Claiming Netanyahu has prevented him from viewing the agreement, Ben-Gvir announced on June 3:

That’s why I repeat my words and say to the prime minister: If you sign a promiscuous deal that will bring an end to the war without the collapse of Hamas, Otzma Yehudit will dissolve the government.

Over the weekend, Jewish Diaspora Minister Amichai Chickli rejected the deal outright, saying “no surrender, not to American pressure, not to anything.”

Chickli, speaking to a Zionist group in New York, said:

We don’t have any other choice but to continue the war and annihilate Hamas, and there is no option to accept a ceasefire while Hamas is still in power.

Among other factors making peace extremely difficult is the now more openly admitted desire of the Zionists to completely eliminate all Palestinians from Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere in the region. This would be to fulfill their long-held goal of forming a Jews-only greater Israel “from the river to the sea.”

Gaza Palestinian land is being illegally sold to Jews in New York and elsewhere, Zionist settlers are being encouraged to move into Gaza and more of the occupied West Bank, rights to the massive oil and gas reserves off the coast of Gaza are being stolen by Israelis.

There is even open discussion of plans to turn Gaza into a Zionist-controlled and populated type of Dubai.

Whether the massacre of children in Gaza is forgotten or not, it is likely to be repeated, as unconfirmed reports emerge that the Israeli government will not halt the war.

Expect more headlines blaming Hamas.

Help Christians who escaped Gaza: LifeFunder

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