
House Passes Sanctions Bill Against ICC – American Faith

The House of Representatives passed a bill that places sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The bill, called the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, is to “impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any “effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies.”

Forty-two Democrats joined 205 Republicans in passing the bill to the Senate.

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX), who introduced the bill last month, said in a statement following its House passage, “I am pleased that today the House passed H.R. 8282 — a bill I introduced with Representative Mast, Conference Chairwoman Stefanik, and others — to sanction the ICC if they attempt to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute Americans or our allies.”

He said the bill sends a “strong message” that Congressional leaders will “not tolerate” the ICC’s “outrageous” attacks on Israel.

“But let’s be clear, this isn’t just about Israel, this is about ensuring that our nation’s sovereignty is protected, as well as our servicemembers,” Roy explained. “Absent decisive leadership at the White House, Congress must stand in the breach defending our allies and our sovereignty.”

The move comes as the ICC’s chief prosecutor filed arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials.

The bill is not likely to become law, although it signifies Republicans’ ongoing support for Israel amid its conflict with Hamas.

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